If you go into a Unitarian Universalist church in the present
day, you are more likely to encounter a self-professed atheist than
anyone who will admit to being, or even aspiring to be, a Christian.
However, when they started out, they were claiming the high road;
they asserted it was they themselves who were the Bible-believers,
not the others. On matters of practical morality like slavery,
Unitarian or Quaker Bible research is not necessarily bad, careless,
or to be rejected out of hand; however, say it is so, leave the
discussion to those abolitionists who are undoubted Trinitarians.
Fine: "It can be demonstrated absolutely, that slavery is unlawful,
and ought to be repented of, and given up, like any other sin."
(Charles G. Finney, Lectures to Professing Christians, Lecture 3, p.
44, Heritage Library).
Slavery. “What! shall men be suffered to commit one of
the most God-dishonoring and most heaven-daring sins on earth,
and not be reproved? It is a sin against which all men should
bear testimony, and lift up their voice like a trumpet, till this
giant iniquity is banished from the land and from the world."
(Charles G. Finney, Lectures to Professing Christians, Lecture 4,
p. 56, Heritage Library)
“At the south, they have got
themselves into a great rage because we at the north are trying
to convince them of the wickedness of slavery. And they say it
is none of our business, that slavery is a matter peculiarly
their own, and they will not suffer anybody else to interfere
with them, and they require us to let them alone, and will not
even allow us to talk about the subject. And they want our
northern legislatures to pass laws forbidding us to rebuke
our southern neighbors for their sin in holding men in slavery.
God forbid that we should be silent. Jehovah himself has
commanded us to rebuke our neighbor in any wise, let the
consequences be as they may. And we will rebuke them, though all
hell should rise up against it.
“Are we to hold our peace
and be partakers in the sin of slavery, by connivance, as we
have been? God forbid. We will speak of it, and bear our
testimony against it, and pray over it, and complain of it to
God and man. Heaven shall know, and the world shall know, and
hell shall know, that ye protest against the sin, and will
continue to rebuke it, till it is broken up. God Almighty says,
'Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor,' and we must do
it.” (Charles G. Finney, Lectures to Professing Christians, Lecture
4, pp. 58-59, Heritage Library)
What, after all, is the point of pretending it is only Unitarians who
oppose slavery? That is counter-factual, and Neoconfederates like Doug
Wilson know it is counter-factual.
The whole strategy may be compared to the measures taken in protecting
military aircraft against missiles; they throw out chaff, little bits of
reflective stuff, to confuse the targeting mechanism of pursuers. The Bible says, "Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he
that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him." (Proverbs 26:27).
Our author has sought to smear the North's war effort by pointing
out that, although the vast majority of Northern Christians were not
Unitarians, the Unitarians were a less tiny minority in the North
than in the South, and indeed even aggregated in some places, making
some academic establishments into little forts to defend their viewpoint.
They are correct in pointing out that Harvard was taken over by the
Unitarians, as part of its downward devolution from Christian school to
what it is today. This one episode justifies demonizing an entire region
of the country? Believe it or not, this is one of their main arguments against the Union
war effort: there were Unitarians in the North.
Meanwhile, Douglas Wilson himself, according to his own account,
claims a heritage from the Southern agrarians, who confessed an intellectual
debt to Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States. Moreover, Thomas
Jefferson is prominently quoted on the 'League of the South' web-site.
Recall that this is Steve Wilkins' organization, who was Wilson's
co-author on the pamphlet "Southern Slavery As it Was." The League
describe themselves this way: "The South's political ideals and
principles are rooted in the Jeffersonian tradition as expressed in
the Declaration of Independence." (League of the
South website, Core Beliefs, copyright 1995-2008, retrieved 15 June
2008, archived). And Thomas
Jefferson, their main man, was of what religious persuasion? You guessed it!—
This man mocked the Trinity as a three-headed idol. This man is,
naturally enough, idolized by the League of the South. But wait, Douglas
Wilson's whole effort to smear the Union is premised upon his identification of the North with
Unitarianism, a small sect which did have a foot-hold in that region. It turns out that Jefferson is one of
his main guys: "I am a paleo-conservative. In my views on politics,
government, social order, I have been affected in a thoroughly jumbled
way by. . .T. S. Eliot. . .Thomas Jefferson. . .and Robert E. Lee."
('Black and Tan,' Douglas Wilson, Kindle location 1378).
Follow that logic, dear reader, if you can: the North is
evil because some small number of Northerners were Unitarians. The entire
Union war effort is discredited on this ground, because it only
takes a sprinkling of Unitarians to spoil the barrel. The
Confederates and their present-day fellow travellers, meanwhile,
look to Unitarian Thomas Jefferson for inspiration. We must reject
the abolitionism of the North because some few Northerners were
Unitarians, and for that matter, while we're on the subject, lets march in lock-step behind the
Unitarian Thomas Jefferson; aren't the Unitarians our natural leaders?
Douglas Wilson himself champions one of that small sect's
shining stars, Thomas Jefferson. I don't know if there has ever been a more incoherent
thinker who has attracted a following as a Christian apologist. Douglas
Wilson, who is not himself orthodox on the Trinity, can freely quote
Unitarians Thomas Jefferson and John Adams because he agrees with
them, and that's no problem; but the Union war effort is doomed to
apostasy because Unitarians existed in the North (and in the South,
though admittedly in smaller numbers).
Douglas Wilson has discovered that the Civil War was a religious war:
"So I do believe that in the broad sense the War Between the States
could be described as a religious war." (Douglas Wilson, Black and
Tan, Kindle location 1303),— merely because some in the North
were theologically 'liberal.' After the 'League of the South'
progresses from talk to overt action, will we be forced to conclude
that whatever police action Janet Napolitano felt the need to take
was a 'religious war' against Unitarianism? After all these
Neoconfederates do like to quote Thomas Jefferson. Evidently there are good Unitarians, and then there are bad
Unitarians. When it comes to the Trinity, Thomas Jefferson was as far
removed from the Bible truth as any of his co-religionists.
