Incidentally Father Divine, along with such predecessor figures
as the Munster Communards, will provide the reader a good test case
against the movie's thesis that all religions are invented by
international bankers. Why would international bankers have wanted
to invent Father Divine, Jim Jones, or the Munster Communards?
Some pagan theologians devised a neat little package, whereby men could be heroes, half-men
demi-gods, leaving the highest heavens to the sky gods. But as Euhemerus noticed, even the highest gods, such as Zeus, born in a
cave, and Saturn, one-time king in Italy, had enjoyed human
sojourns. The reality of paganism is much messier than any neat
theological construct imposed after the fact. That Dionysus may actually have gone to, or
come from, India, is reflected in that nation's 'Soma' religious
texts, which impart the ruinous idea that salvation is found in
intoxication. This idea worked out about as well in antiquity as it
did for the hippies who revived it millenia later, reaping a bitter
harvest of madness, murder and ruined lives. To those who take the
trouble actually to study Dionysus, his purported resemblance to
Jesus vanishes like a vapor. In general, all those schemes which
make all of the pagan gods to be one thing or another fall short of
conviction. The reader may recall from 'The Golden Bough,' that all
gods are vegetation gods; but surely farming is not the only thing
people do, where is to be found a metallurgist god when you need
one? The sun is one god in the pagan pantheon, not the only god; all
gods are not the sun, though solar enthusiasts imagined they were.
Was Jesus, too, forced into this mold, assigned a birthday of
December 25th, when no such date is reported in the earliest
sources? Oddly enough, there is a source which implies a mid-winter
date, though it is not a respectable one: it is the Protevangelion,
which recasts Zacharias, John the Baptist's father, as the high
priest. Zacharias' encounter at the incense altar cannot have
occurred in the Holy of Holies, or on the Day of Atonement, yet that
is just where this apocryphal work situates it. But if this
encounter is of date certain, then the date of the two linked
nativities may be estimated by approximation, yielding a winter date
for Christmas. This source has no historical value, but it must have
impressed someone, as we do still to this date celebrate Christmas
in mid-winter:
