Unless God is just asking, it seems someone at some time might have
taken Jesus and His mother as "two gods." Now we're cooking with gas!
We have our three gods: Mary, Jesus and Allah, the third of three!
Many Muslims, of old times and of the present, leave it at that. Many Muslims today take this verse at face value and
obligingly believe the Christian trinity is God, Mary, and
Jesus: "Muslims believe Christians have three gods, namely,
god the father, god the mother, and god the son. Their belief
is derived from the Qur'an and the Hadith, which lucidly
portray the alleged Christian trinity as tantamount to
associating partners with Allah — the most heinous sin in Islam."
(Hussein Hajji Wario, Cracks in the Crescent, p. 157).
Early Muslim biographer Ibn Ishaq shares this
perspective, saying,
"They were Christians according to the Byzantine
rite, though they differed among themselves in some points,
saying He is God; and He is the son of God; and He is the
third person of the Trinity, which is the doctrine of
Christianity. . .They argue that he is the third of three in
that God says: We have done, We have commanded, We have
created and We have decreed, and they say, If He were one he
would have said I have done, I have created, and so on, but He
is He and Jesus and Mary." (The Life of Muhammad, A
Translation of Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, A. Guillaume, pp.
As to where Mohammed might have gotten such an impression, if
indeed this is what he thought, he had certainly seen pictures of
Jesus and Mary; in fact, there were two such images installed in the Ka'ba:
"I.I. From Hakim b. Abbad b. Hanif and other
traditionists: Quraysh had put pictures in the Ka'ba including
two of Jesus son of Mary and Mary (on both of whom be peace!).
I. Shihab said: Asma d. Shaqr said that a woman of Ghassan
jointed in the pilgrimage of the Arabs and when she saw the
picture of Mary in the Ka'ba she said, 'My father and my
mother be your ransom! You are surely an Arab woman!' The
apostle ordered that the pictures should be erased except
those of Jesus and Mary." (The Life of Muhammad, A Translation
of Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, A. Guillaume, p. 532)
Inasmuch as the Ka'ba, pre-cleansing, was filled with
idolatrous images offered for worship, Mohammed may have
simply assumed the familiar, popular imagery of Mary and her
baby was intended in the same vein, and thus arrived at the
conception of the Christian trinity as Jesus, Mary and God,
the third of three. Pagan Egyptians worshipped a family grouping of
Osiris, Isis and Horus. Since Mohammed seems to assume Christians
believe Jesus to be the result of sexual relations between God and
Mary, he may have envisioned a nuclear family like the Egyptian
holy family.
