There are so many of these horrific incidents that one trembles
to recount them all. In recent memory similar events have happened in the Sudan.
The Ethiopian famine that captured world attention was widely but
erroneously reported in the West as a natural disaster; it was no
more nor less natural than the famine that stalked the Ukraine while
Josef Stalin sought to impose socialism on the countryside. In a
rare triumph of justice, Mengistu Haili Mariam was found guilty of
genocide by an Ethiopian court for the famine that ravaged Ethiopia
during his reign of Red Terror. He found refuge with fellow Marxist
Robert Mugabe, who himself brought cholera and famine to his own
country, formerly the bread-basket of Africa.
Bantu-Speakers Displace Khoisan. The ancient Athenians
used to wear a little cicada ornament, which was intended to
communicate that, unlike other Greeks who were recent migrants, they
were autochthonous, having always lived in their territory. Not that
they always had, but compared to others they were not newcomers. The
present inhabitants of Africa did not always live where they now
live; they displaced the Khoisan, over the course of centuries. A
small remnant population remains in South Africa. According to
genetic analysis, these original Africans are the most closely
related to Europeans and Asians. This displacement happened outside of the gaze of
recorded history, even though it played out contemporaneously to
recorded history. It took place during a time frame in
which events in the Mediterranean world were recorded and minutely analyzed
by historians. But the Roman historians did not know what was going
on in sub-Saharan Africa. Given the lack of chronicles, there is
some uncertainty about exactly what did happen. Some hopefully suggest the invading Bantu-speakers intermarried and
absorbed these other groups rather than committed genocide against
them. If so, this would have been comparable to American history, as
mentioned in the tweet. If you add up all the American citizens who are
1/16th native American, or 1/64th, or have high cheek-bones like
Elizabeth Warren, then the native population shows a natural
increase, not destruction.
Thrill Killing. Samuel Little, who at the time of his
murder trial complained he was suffering a "legal lynching," now
claims to have murdered up to 93 people. If confirmed, this would make
him the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history.
Great Kanto Earthquake. This case involves Koreans blamed,
impossibly, for an earthquake, and Japanese who did not need to
learn how to scape-goat from any white preceptors:
"The most appalling such postdisaster incident was after
the Great Kanto Earthquake that struck central Japan at noon on
September 1, 1923. More than 125,000 died in the catastrophe, many
by fires caused by broken gas mains and overturned cookstoves in
that land of wooden houses crowded together. Additionally, the
massive quake made many wells go cloudy. Rumors that the fires were
arson and the wells were poisoned by radicals or by Koreans led to
hideous massacres. About six thousand Koreans and people mistaken
for Koreans were killed by vigilante groups, along with some
socialists. In some cases, these people were protected by the
military and by police; in others these authorities colluded or led
the murders and encouraged the rumors that devastated the unpopular
groups." (A Paradise Built in Hell, Rebecca
Solnit, p. 83).
Slavery. It is unbalanced to put 'slavery' without further
qualification down to the account of "the white man," given the fortune the Kingdom of Whydah
accumulated selling this brand of merchandise. Africa was an
exporter of slaves long before a market opened up in the New World.
'Bishop' Swan attracted quite a bit of attention with his tweet in
the aftermath of Amber Guyger's murder conviction, and her
reconciling hug with Brandt Jean, the brother of the victim. He said
it was "Post Traumatic SLAVERY Syndrome." One shudders to imagine
how much of that there is going round in Africa, given its history
as the place that sold its children into slavery. Christianity is
all about forgiveness and reconciliation, but that is not a popular
theme in some quarters. It's bad for business, if your line of
business is drumming up expectations of reparations. It's not the
expected thing for a Christian pastor to be unashamed to speak out
publically against forgiveness, given that the Lord said, "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
(Matthew 6:14-15). 'Bishop' Swan however was
not alone in his displeasure at this incident. Many African-American
commentators seemed to believe that Mr. Jean was forgiving Ms.
Guyger for slavery, rather than for the murder of his brother. They
seem to be under the impression that white people eagerly desire to
be forgiven by black people on that score, regardless of their own
personal history and whether it involves plantation ownership or
residence in any state where slavery was legal. It is on this
perception that reparations fever takes hold. These leaders prefer a
different mood for the community, though I strongly suspect the
folks promising a big check if the masses will only follow them will
never deliver on their promises.
Not to omit Asiatic folk from our catalog of atrocities. Leaving aside Mao Zedong's Great Leap
Forward, the Rape of Nanking, and the killing fields of Cambodia, what about Genghis
Khan? He makes Caucasians like Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler look
lame, if you evaluate his body count as a percentage of the human
beings then alive on the planet. The potential for violence is our
inheritance from the old Adam; there is no branch of the human
family which is immune to it. So why pretend there is some favored
race which has committed no crimes? Here again, negative
characteristics, which do belong to some members of the target
group, are generalized to all members of the group, while they are
air-brushed away from the favored group. They call that racism.

Black Messiah
In response to a tweet lamenting that he does not know the Jesus
of the Scriptures, 'Bishop' Swan replies, "No, I don't know the
white, republican Jesus of the white evangelical supremacist
scripture." (Tweet, retrieved 1/30/20).
What 'Jesus' does he know? One he has invented. 'Bishop' Swan believes that Jesus looked like this: