Hilary of Poitiers
On the Trinity
![Holy, Holy, Holy](thrice.gif)
Book III
1. The words of the Lord, I in the Father, and the Father in Me,
confuse many minds, and not unnaturally, for the powers of human reason
cannot provide them with any intelligible meaning. It seems impossible
that one object should be both within and without another, or that (since
it is laid down that the Beings of whom we are treating, though They do
not dwell apart, retain their separate existence and condition) these Beings
can reciprocally contain One Another, so that One should permanently envelope,
and also be permanently enveloped by, the Other, whom yet He envelopes.
This is a problem which the wit of man will never solve, nor will human
research ever find an analogy for this condition of Divine existence.
But what man cannot understand, God can
be. I do not mean to say that the fact that this is an assertion
made by God renders it at once intelligible to us. We must think
for ourselves, and come to know the meaning of the words, I in the Father,
and the Father in Me: but this will depend upon our success in gasping
the truth that reasoning based upon Divine verities can establish its conclusions,
even though they seem to contradict the laws of the universe.
2. In order to solve as easily as
possible this most difficult problem, we must first master the knowledge
which the Divine Scriptures give of Father and of Son, that so we may speak
with more precision, as dealing with familiar and accustomed matters.
The eternity of the Father, as we concluded after full discussion in the
last Book, transcends space, and time, and appearance, and all the forms
of human thought. He is without and within all things, He contains
all and can be contained by none, is incapable of change by increase or
diminution, invisible, incomprehensible, full, perfect, eternal, not deriving
anything that He has from another, but, if aught be derived from Him, still
complete and self-sufficing.
3. He therefore, the Unbegotten, before time was begot a Son from Himself; not from any pre-existent matter, for
all things are through the Son; not from nothing, for the Son is from the Father's self; not by way of childbirth, for in God there
is neither change nor void; not as a piece of Himself cut or torn off or stretched out, for God is passionless and bodiless, and only
a passible and embodied being could so be treated, and, as the Apostle says, in Christ "dwelleth all the fullness of the
Godhead bodily" [Colossians 2:9]. Incomprehensibly, ineffably, before time or worlds, He
begat the Only-begotten from His own unbegotten substance, bestowing through love and power His whole Divinity upon that Birth.
Thus He is the Only-begotten, perfect, eternal Son of the unbegotten, perfect, eternal Father. But those properties which He has
in consequence of the Body which He took, are the fruit of His goodwill toward our salvation. For He, being invisible and bodiless
and incomprehensible, as the Son of God, took upon Him such a measure of matter and of lowliness as was needed to bring Him within
the range of our understanding, and perception, and contemplation. It was a condescension to our feebleness rather than a surrender
of His own proper attributes.
4. He, therefore, being the perfect
Father's perfect Son, the Only-begotten Offspring of the unbegotten God,
who has received all from Him Who possesses all, being God from God, Spirit
from Spirit, Light from Light, says boldly, The Father in Me, and I
in the Father. For as the Father is Spirit, so is the Son Spirit; as the Father
is God, so is the Son God; as the Father is Light, so is the Son Light.
Thus those properties which are in the Father are the source of those wherewith
the Son is endowed; that is, He is wholly Son of Him Who is wholly Father;
not imported from without, for before the Son nothing was; not made from
nothing, for the Son is from God; not a son partially, for the fullness
of the Godhead is in the Son; not a Son in some respects, but in all; a
Son according to the will of Him who had the power, after a manner which
He only knows. What is in the Father is in the Son also; what is
in the Unbegotten is in the Only-begotten also.
The One is from the Other, and they Two
are a Unity; not Two made One, yet One in the Other, for that which is
in Both is the same. The Father is in the Son, for the Son is from
Him; the Son is in the Father, because the Father is His sole Origin; the
Only-begotten is in the Unbegotten, because He is the Only-begotten from
the Unbegotten. Thus mutually Each is in the Other, for as all is
perfect in the Unbegotten Father, so all is perfect in the Only-begotten
Son. This is the Unity which is in Son and Father, this the power,
this the love; our hope, and faith, and truth, and way, and life is not
to dispute the Father's powers or to depreciate the Son, but to reverence
the mystery and majesty of His birth; to set the unbegotten Father above
all rivalry, and count the Only-begotten Son as His equal in eternity and
might, confessing concerning God the Son that He is from God.
5. Such powers are there in God;
powers which the methods of our reason cannot comprehend, but of which
our faith, on the sure evidence of His action, is convinced. We shall
find instances of this action in the bodily sphere as well as in the spiritual,
its manifestation taking, not the form of an analogy which might illustrate
the Birth, but of a deed marvellous yet comprehensible. On the wedding
day in Galilee water was made wine. Have we words to tell or senses
to ascertain what methods produced the change by which the tastelessness
of water disappeared, and was replaced by the full flavor of wine?
It was not a mixing; it was a creation, and a creation which was not a
beginning, but a transformation. A weaker liquid was not obtained
by admixture of a stronger element; an existing thing perished and a new
thing came into being. The bridegroom was anxious. the household
in confusion, the harmony of the marriage feast imperilled. Jesus
is asked for help. He does not rise or busy Himself; He does the
work without an effort. Water is poured into the vessels, wine drawn
out in the cups. The evidence of the senses of the pourer contradicts
that of the drawer. They who poured expect water to be drawn; they
who draw think that wine must have been poured in. The intervening
time cannot account for any gain or loss of character in the liquid.
The mode of action baffles sight and sense, but the power of God is manifest
in the result achieved.
6. In the case of the five loaves
a miracle of the same type excites our wonder. By their increase
five thousand men and countless women and children are saved from hunger;
the method eludes our powers of observation. Five loaves are offered
and broken; while the Apostles are dividing them a succession of new-created
portions passes, they cannot tell how, through their hands. The loaf
which they are dividing grows no smaller, yet their hands are continually
full of the pieces. The swiftness of the process baffles sight; you
follow with the eye a hand-full of portions, and meantime you see that
the contents of the other hand are not diminished, and all the while the
heap of pieces grows. The carvers are busy at their task, the eaters
are hard at work; the hungry are satisfied, and the fragments fill twelve
baskets. Sight or sense cannot discover the mode of so noteworthy
a miracle. What was not existent is created; what we see passes our
understanding. Our only resource is faith in God's omnipotence.
7. There is no deception in these miracles of God, no subtle pretense
to please or to deceive. These works of the Son of God were done
from no desire for self-display; He Whom countless myriads of angels serve
never deluded man. What was there of ours that He could need, through
Whom all that we have was created? Did He demand praise from us who
now are heavy with sleep, now sated with lust, now laden with the guilt
of riot and bloodshed, now drunken from revelling;-- He Whom Archangels,
and Dominions, and Principalities, and Powers, without sleep or cessation
or sin, praise in heaven with everlasting and unwearied voice? They
praise Him because He, the Image of the Invisible God, created all their
host in Himself, made the worlds, established the heavens, appointed the
stars, fixed the earth, laid the foundations of the deep; because in after
time He was born, He conquered death, broke the gates of hell, won for
Himself a people to be His fellow-heirs, lifted flesh from corruption up
to the glory of eternity. There was nothing, then, that He might
gain from us, that could induce Him to assume the splendor of these mysterious
and inexplicable works, as though He needed our praise. But God foresaw
how human sin and folly would be misled, and knew that disbelief would
dare to pass its judgment even on the things of God, and therefore He vanquished
presumption by tokens of His power which must give pause to our boldest.
8. For there are many of those wise men of the world whose wisdom
is folly with God, who contradict our proclamation of God from God, True
from True, Perfect from Perfect, One from One, as though we taught things
impossible. They pin their faith to certain conclusions which they
have reached by process of logic:-- Nothing can
be born of one, for every birth requires two parents, and If this
Son be born of One He has received a part of His Begetter: if He be a part,
then Neither of the Two is perfect, for something is missing from Him from
Whom the Son issued, and there cannot be fullness in One Who consists of a portion of Another. Thus Neither is perfect,
for the Begetter has lost His fullness, and the Begotten has not acquired it.
This is that wisdom of the world which was foreseen by God even in the prophet's days,
and condemned through him in the words, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and reject
the understanding of the prudent." [1 Corinthians 1:19]. And the apostle says:
"Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the
inquirer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this
world? For because in the wisdom of God the world through wisdom
knew not God, it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save
them that believe. For the Jews seek signs, and the Greeks seek wisdom,
but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews indeed a stumbling-block and
to the Gentiles foolishness, but unto them that are called, both Jews and
Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Because the
foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger
than men." [1 Corinthians 1:20-25].
9. The Son of God, therefore, having the charge of mankind, was first made man, that men might believe on Him;
that He might be to us a witness, sprung from ourselves, of things Divine, and preach to us, weak and carnal as we are, through
the weakness of the flesh concerning God the Father, so fulfilling the Father's will, even as He says, "I came not to
do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me." [John 6:38]. It was not that
He Himself was unwilling, but that He might manifest His obedience as the result of His Father's will, for His own will is to
do His Father's. This is that will to carry out the Father's will of which He testifies in the words: "Father, the
hour is come; glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son may glorify Thee;
even as Thou hast given Him power over all flesh, that whatsoever Thou
hast given Him, He should give it eternal life. And this is life
eternal, that they should know Thee the only true God, and Him Whom Thou
didst send, Jesus Christ. I have glorified Thee upon earth, having
accomplished the work which Thou gavest Me to do. And now, O Father,
glorify Me with Thine own Self with the glory which I had with Thee before
the world was. I have manifested Thy Name unto the men whom Thou
hast given Me" [John 17:1-6]. In words short and few He has revealed the whole
task to which He was appointed and assigned. Yet those words, short and few as they are, are the true faith's safeguard against
every suggestion of the devil's cunning. Let us briefly consider the force of each separate phrase.
10. He says, Father the hour is
come; glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son may glorify Thee. He says that the hour, not the day nor the time, is come.
An hour is a fraction of a day. What hour must this be? The
hour, of course, of which He speaks, to strengthen His disciples, at the
time of His passion:-- "Lo, the hour is come that the Son of Man should be
glorified." [John 12:23]. This then is the hour in which He prays to be glorified
by the Father, that He Himself may glorify the Father. But what does He mean? Does One who is about to give glory look
to receive it? Does One who is about to confer honor make request for Himself? Is He in want of the very thing which He
is about to repay? Here let the world's philosophers, the wise men of Greece, beset our path, and spread their syllogistic nets
to entangle the truth. Let them ask How? and Whence? and Why? When they can find no answer, let us tell them that it
is because God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the
wise. That is the reason why we in our foolishness understand
things incomprehensible to the world's philosophers.
The Lord had said, Father, the hour
is come; He had revealed the hour of His passion, for these words were
spoken at the very moment; and then He added, Glorify Thy Son.
But how was the Son to be glorified? He had been born of a virgin,
from cradle and childhood He had grown to man's estate, through sleep and
hunger and thirst and weariness and tears He had lived man's life: even
now He was to be spitted on, scourged, crucified. And why?
These things were ordained for our assurance that in Christ is pure man.
But the shame of the cross is not ours; we are not sentenced to the scourge,
nor defiled by spitting.
The Father glorifies the Son; how?
He is next nailed to the cross. Then what followed? The sun,
instead of setting, fled. How so? It did not retire behind
a cloud, but abandoned its appointed orbit, and all the elements of the
world felt that same shock of the death of Christ. The stars in their
courses, to avoid complicity in the crime, escaped by self-extinction from
beholding the scene. What did the earth? It quivered beneath
the burden of the Lord hanging on the tree, protesting that it was powerless
to confine Him who was dying. Yet surely rock and stone will not
refuse Him a resting-place. Yes, they are rent and cloven, and their
strength fails. They must confess that the rock-hewn sepulchre cannot
imprison the Body which awaits its burial.
11. And next? The centurion of the cohort, the guardian of the cross, cries out,
"Truly this was the Son of God." [Matthew 27:54]. Creation is set free by
the mediation of this Sin-offering; the very rocks lose their solidity and strength. They who had nailed Him to the cross
confess that truly this is the Son of God. The outcome justifies the assertion. The Lord had said, Glorify Thy
Son. He had asserted, by that word Thy,
that He was God's Son not in name only, but in nature. Multitudes
of us are sons of God; He is Son in another sense. For He is God's
true and own Son, by origin and not by adoption, not by name only but in
truth, born and not created. So, after He was glorified, that confession
touched the truth; the centurion confessed Him the true Son of God, that
no believer might doubt a fact which even the servant of His persecutors
could not deny.
12. But perhaps some may suppose that He was destitute of that glory
for which He prayed, and that His looking to be glorified by a Greater
is evidence of want of power. Who, indeed, would deny that the Father
is the greater; the Unbegotten greater than the Begotten, the Father than
the Son, the Sender than the Sent, He that wills than He that obeys?
He Himself shall be His own witness:-- "The
Father is greater than I." [John 14:28]. It is a fact which we must recognize, but
we must take heed lest with unskilled thinkers the majesty of the Father should obscure the glory of the Son. Such
obscuration is forbidden by this same glory for which the Son prays; for the prayer, Father glorify Thy Son, is completed
by, That the Son may glorify Thee. Thus there is no lack of power in the Son, Who, when He
has received this glory, will make His return for it in glory.
But why, if He were not in want, did He
make the prayer? No one makes request except for something which
he needs. Or can it be that the Father too is in want? Or has
He given His glory away so recklessly that He needs to have it returned
Him by the Son? No; the One has never been in want, nor the Other
needed to ask, and yet Each shall give to the Other. Thus the prayer
for glory to be given and to be paid back is neither a robbery of the Father
nor a depreciation of the Son, but a demonstration of the power of one
Godhead resident in Both. The Son prays that He may be glorified
by the Father; the Father deems it no humiliation to be glorified by the
Son, The exchange of glory given and received proclaims the unity of power
in Father and in Son.
13. We must next ascertain what and
whence this glorifying is. God, I am sure, is subject to no change;
His eternity admits not of defect or amendment, of gain or of loss.
It is the character of Him alone, that what He is, He is from everlasting.
What He from everlasting is, it is by His nature impossible that He should
ever cease to be. How then can He receive glory, a thing which He
fully possesses, and of which His store does not diminish; there being
no fresh glory which He can obtain, and none that He has lost and can recover?
We are brought to a standstill. But the Evangelist does not fail
us, though our reason has displayed its helplessness. To tell us
what return of glory it was that the Son should make to the Father, he
gives the words: Even as Thou hast given Him power over all flesh, that
whatsoever Thou hast given Him He may give it eternal life. And this
is life eternal that they should know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus
Christ Whom Thou hast sent.
The Father, then, is glorified through
the Son, by His being made known to us. And the glory was this, that
the Son, being made flesh, received from Him power over all flesh, and
the charge of restoring eternal life to us, ephemeral beings burdened with
the body. Eternal life for us was the result not of work done, but
of innate power; not by a new creation, but simply by knowledge of God,
was the glory of that eternity to be acquired. Nothing was added
to God's glory; it had not decreased, and so could not be replenished.
But He is glorified through the Son in the sight of us, ignorant, exiled,
defiled, dwelling in hopeless death and lawless darkness; glorified inasmuch
as the Son, by virtue of that power over all flesh which the Father gave
Him, was to bestow on us eternal life. It is through this work of
the Son that the Father is glorified. So when the Son received all
things from the Father, the Father glorified Him; and conversely, when
all things were made through the Son, He glorified the Father. The
return of glory given lies herein, that all the glory which the Son has
is the glory of the Father, since everything He has is the Father's gift.
For the glory of Him who executes a charge redounds to the glory of Him
Who gave it, the glory of the Begotten to the glory of the Begetter.
14. But in what does eternity of life consist? His own words tell us:-- That they may know Thee
the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent. Is there
any doubt or difficulty here, or any inconsistency? It is life to
know the true God; but the bare knowledge of Him does not give it.
What, then, does He add? And Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent.
In Thee, the only true God, the Son pays the honor due to His Father;
by the addition, And Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent, He associates
Himself with the true Godhead. The believer in his confession draws
no line between the Two, for his hope of life rests in Both, and indeed,
the true God is inseparable from Him Whose Name follows in the creed.
Therefore when we read, That they may know Thee, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent, these terms of Sender and of
Sent are not intended, under any semblance of distinction or discrimination,
to convey a difference between the true Godhead of Father and of Son, but
to be a guide to the devout confession of Them as Begetter and Begotten.
15. And so the Son glorifies the
Father fully and finally in the words which follow, I have glorified
Thee on the earth, having accomplished the work which Thou hast given Me
to do. All the Father's praise is from the Son, for every praise
bestowed upon the Son is praise of the Father, since all that He accomplished
is what the Father had willed. The Son of God is born as man; but
the power of God is in the virgin-birth. The Son of God is seen as
man; but God is president in His human actions. The Son of God is
nailed to the cross; but on the cross God conquers human death. Christ,
the Son of God, dies; but all flesh is made alive in Christ. The
Son of God is in hell; but man is carried back to heaven. In proportion
to our praise of Christ for these His works, will be the praise we bring
to Him from Whom Christ's Godhead is.
These are the ways in which the Father glorifies the Son on earth; and
in return the Son reveals by works of power to the ignorance of the heathen
and to the foolishness of the world, Him from Whom He is. This exchange
of glory, given and received, implies no augmentation of the Godhead, but
means the praises rendered for the knowledge granted to those who had lived
in ignorance of God. What, indeed, could there be which the Father,
from Whom are all things, did not richly possess? In what was the
Son lacking, in Whom all the fullness of the Godhead had been pleased to
dwell? The Father is glorified on earth because the work which He
had commanded is finished.
16. Next let us see what this glory
is which the Son expects to receive from the Father; and then our exposition
will be complete. The sequel is, I have glorified Thee on the
earth, having accomplished the work which Thou hast given Me to do.
And now, O Father, glorify Thou Me with Thine own Self with the glory which
I had with Thee before the world was. I have manifested Thy name
unto men. It is, then, by the Son's works that the Father is glorified, in
that He is recognized as God, as Father of God the Only-begotten, Who for
our salvation willed that His Son should be born as man, even of a virgin;
that Son Whose whole life, consummated in the Passion, was consistent with
the humiliation of the virgin birth. Thus, because the Son of God,
all-perfect and born from everlasting in the fullness of the Godhead, had
now by incarnation become Man and was ready for His death, He prays that
He may be glorified with God, even as He was glorifying His Father on the
earth; for at that moment the powers of God were being glorified in the
flesh before the eyes of a world that knew Him not.
But what is this glory with the Father, for which He looks? It is that, of course, which He had with Him
before the world was. He had the fullness of the Godhead; He has it still, for He is God's Son. But He Who was
the Son of God had become the Son of man also, for "The Word was made flesh." [John 1:14].
He had not lost His former being, but He had become what He was not before; He had not abdicated His own position, yet He had taken ours;
He prays that the nature which He had assumed may be promoted to the glory which He had never renounced.
Therefore, since the Son is the Word, and
the Word was made flesh, and the Word was God, and was in the beginning
with God, and the Word was Son before the foundation of the world; this
Son, now incarnate, prayed that flesh might be to the Father what the Son
had been. He prayed that flesh, born in time, might receive the splendor
of the everlasting glory, that the corruption of the flesh might be swallowed
up, transformed into the power of God and the purity of the Spirit.
It is His prayer to God, the Son's confession of the Father, the entreaty
of that flesh wherein all shall see Him on the Judgment-day, pierced and
bearing the marks of the cross; of that flesh wherein His glory was foreshown
upon the Mount, wherein He ascended to heaven and is set down at the right
hand of God, wherein Paul saw Him, and Stephen paid Him worship.
17. The name Father has thus
been revealed to men; the question arises, What is this Father's own name?
Yet surely the name of God has never been unknown. Moses heard it
from the bush, Genesis announces it at the beginning of the history of
creation, the Law has proclaimed and the prophets extolled it, the history
of the world has made mankind familiar with it; the very heathen have worshipped
it under a veil of falsehood. Men have never been left in ignorance
of the name of God.
And yet they were, in very truth, in ignorance. For no man knows
God unless He confess Him as Father, Father of the Only-begotten Son, and
confess also the Son a Son by no partition or extension or procession,
but born of Him, as Son of Father, ineffably and incomprehensibly, and
retaining the fullness of that Godhead from which and in which He was born
as true and infinite and perfect God. This is what the fullness of the Godhead means. If any of
these things be lacking, there will not be that fullness which was pleased to dwell in Him. This is the message of the Son,
His revelation to men in their ignorance. The Father is glorified through the Son when men recognize that, He is Father of a Son so Divine.
18. The Son, wishing to assure us
of the truth of this, His Divine birth, has appointed His works to serve
as an illustration, that from the ineffable power displayed in ineffable
deeds we may learn the lesson of the ineffable birth. For instance,
when water was made wine, and five loaves satisfied five thousand men,
beside women and children, and twelve baskets were filled with the fragments,
we see a fact though we cannot understand it; a deed is done though it
baffles our reason; the process cannot be followed, though the result is
obvious. It is folly to intrude in the spirit of carping, when the
matter into which we enquire is such that we cannot probe it to the bottom.
For even as the Father is ineffable because
He is Unbegotten, so is the Son ineffable because He is the Only-begotten,
since the Begotten is the Image of the Unbegotten. Now it is by the
use of our senses and of language that we have to form our conception of
an image; and it must be by the same means that we form our idea of that
which the image represents. But in this case we, whose faculties
can deal only with visible and tangible things, are straining after the
invisible, and striving to grasp the impalpable. Yet we take no shame
to ourselves, we reproach ourselves with no irreverence, when we doubt
and criticize the mysteries and powers of God. How is He the Son?
Whence is He? What did the Father lose by His birth? Of what
portion of the Father was He born? So we ask; yet all the while there
has been confronting us the evidence of works done to assure us that God's
action is not limited by our power of comprehending His methods.
19. You ask what was the manner in
which, as the Spirit teaches, the Son was born? I will put a question
to you as to things corporal. I ask not in what manner He was born
of a virgin; I ask only whether her flesh, in the course of bringing His
flesh to readiness for birth, suffered any loss. Assuredly she did
not conceive Him in the common way, or suffer the shame of human intercourse,
in order to bear Him: yet she bore Him, complete in His human Body, without
loss of her own completeness. Surely piety requires that we should
regard as possible with God a thing which we see became possible through
his power in the case of a human being.
20. But you, whoever you are that would seek into the unsearchable,
and in all seriousness form an opinion upon the mysteries and powers of
God;-- I turn to you for counsel, and beg you to enlighten me, an unskilled
and simple believer of all that God says, as to a circumstance which I
am about to mention. I listen to the Lord's words and, since I believe
what is recorded, I am sure that after His Resurrection He offered Himself
repeatedly in the Body to the sight of multitudes of unbelievers.
At any rate, He did so to Thomas who had protested that he would not believe
unless he handled His wounds. His words are, "Unless I shall
see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger
into the place of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not
believe." [John 20:25]. The Lord stoops to the level even of our feeble
understanding; to satisfy the doubts of unbelieving minds He works a miracle of His invisible power.
Do you, my critic of the ways of heaven, explain His action if you can. The
disciples were in a closed room; they had met and held their assembly in secret since the
Passion of the Lord. The Lord presents Himself to strengthen the faith of Thomas by
meeting his challenge; He gives him His Body to feel, His wounds to handle. He, indeed,
who would be recognized as having suffered wounds must needs produce the body in which those
wounds were received. I ask at what point in the walls of that closed house the Lord
bodily entered. The Apostle has recorded the circumstances with careful precision; "Jesus
came when the doors were shut, and stood in the midst." [John 20:26]. Did
He penetrate through bricks and mortar, or through stout woodwork, substances whose very nature it is to bar progress?
For there He stood in bodily presence; there was no suspicion of deceit. Let the eye of your mind follow His path as He
enters; let your intellectual vision accompany Him as He passes into that closed dwelling. There is no breach in the walls,
no door has been unbarred; yet lo, He stands in the midst Whose might no barrier can resist.
You are a critic of things invisible; I
ask you to explain a visible event. Everything remains firm as it
was; no body is capable of insinuating itself through the interstices of
wood and stone. The Body of the Lord does not disperse itself, to
come together again after a disappearance; yet whence comes He Who is standing
in the midst? Your senses and your words are powerless to account
for it; the fact is certain, but it lies beyond the region of human explanation.
If, as you say, our account of the Divine birth is a lie, then prove that
this account of the Lord's entrance is a fiction.
If we assume that an event did not happen,
because we cannot discover how it was done, we make the limits of our understanding
into the limits of reality. But the certainty of the evidence proves
the falsehood of our contradiction. The Lord did stand in a closed
house in the midst of the disciples; the Son was born of the Father.
Deny not that He stood, because your puny wits cannot ascertain how He
came there; renounce a disbelief in God the Only-begotten and perfect Son
of God the Unbegotten and perfect Father, which is based only on the incapacity
of sense and speech to comprehend the transcendent miracle of that birth.
21. Nay more, the whole constitution
of nature would bear us out against the impiety of doubting the works and
powers of God. And yet our disbelief fights even against obvious
truth; we strive in our fury to pluck even God from His throne. If
we could, we would climb by bodily strength to heaven, would fling into
confusion the ordered courses of sun and stars, would disarrange the ebb
and flow of tides, check rivers at their source or make their waters flow
backward, would shake the foundations of the world, in the utter irreverence
of our rage against the paternal work of God. It is well that our
bodily limitations confine us within more modest bounds. Assuredly,
there is no concealment of the mischief we would do if we could.
In one respect we are free; and so with blasphemous insolence we distort
the truth and turn our weapons against the words of God.
22. The Son has said, Father,
I have manifested Thy Name unto men. What reason is there for
denunciation or fury here? Do you deny the Father? Why, it
was the primary purpose of the Son to enable us to know the Father.
But in fact you do deny Him when, according to you, the Son was not born
of Him. Yet why should He have the name of Son if He be, as others
are, an arbitrary creation of God? I could feel awe of God as Creator
of Christ as well as Founder of the universe; it were an exercise of power
worthy of Him to be the Maker of Him Who made Archangels and Angels, things
visible and things invisible, heaven and earth and the whole creation around
But the work which the Lord came to do
was not to enable you to recognize the omnipotence of God as Creator of
all things, but to enable you to know Him as the Father of that Son Who
addresses you. In heaven there are Powers beside Himself, Powers
mighty and eternal; there is but one Only-begotten Son, and the difference
between Him and them is not one of mere degree of might, but that they
all were made through Him. Since He is the true and only Son, let
us not make Him a bastard by asserting that He was made out of nothing.
You hear the name Son; believe that He is the Son. You hear
the name Father; fix it in your mind that He is the Father. Why
surround these names with doubt and ill-will and hostility?
The things of God are provided with names which give a true indication
of the realities; why force an arbitrary meaning upon their obvious sense.
Father and Son are spoken of; doubt not that the words mean what they say.
The end and aim of the revelation of the Son is that you should know the
Father. Why frustrate the labors of the Prophets, the Incarnation
of the Word, the Virgin's travail, the effect of miracles, the cross of
Christ? It was all spent upon you, it is all offered to you, that
through it all Father and Son may be manifest to you. And you replace
the truth by a theory of arbitrary action, of creation or adoption.
Turn your thoughts to the warfare, the conflict waged by Christ.
He describes it thus:-- Father, I
have manifested Thy Name unto men. He does not say, Thou hast
created the Creator of all the heavens, or Thou hast made the Maker of
the whole earth. He says, Father, I have manifested Thy Name unto
men. Accept your Savior's gift of knowledge. Be assured
that there is a Father Who begot, a Son Who was born; born in the truth
of His Nature of the Father, Who is. Remember that the revelation
is not of the Father manifested as God, but of God manifested as the Father.
23. You hear the words, "I and the Father are one." [John 10:30].
Why do you rend and tear the Son away from the Father? They are a unity: an absolute Existence having all things in perfect
communion with that absolute Existence, from Whom He is. When you hear the Son saying, I and the Father are one,
adjust your view of facts to the Persons; accept the statement which Begetter
and Begotten make concerning Themselves. Believe that They are One,
even as They are also Begetter and Begotten. Why deny the common
nature? Why impugn the true Divinity?
You hear again, The Father in Me, and
I in the Father. That this is true of Father and of Son is demonstrated by the Son's
works. Our science cannot envelope body in body, or pour one into
another, as water into wine; but we confess that in Both is equivalence
of power and fullness of the Godhead. For the Son has received all
things from the Father; He is the Likeness of God, the Image of His substance.
The words, "Image of His substance" [Hebrews 1:3], discriminate
between Christ and Him from Whom He is but only to establish Their distinct existence, not to teach a difference
of nature; and the meaning of Father in Son and Son in Father is that there is the perfect fullness of the Godhead in Both.
The Father is not impaired by the Son's existence, nor is the Son a mutilated
fragment of the Father. An image implies its original; likeness is a relative term.
Now nothing can be like God unless it have its source in Him; a perfect likeness can be reflected
only from that which it represents; an accurate resemblance forbids the assumption of any element
of difference. Disturb not this likeness; make no separation where truth shows no variance,
for He Who said, "Let us make man after our image and likeness" [Genesis 1:26],
by those words Our likeness revealed the existence of Beings, Each
like the Other. Touch not handle not, pervert not. Hold fast
the Names which teach the truth, hold fast the Son's declaration of Himself.
I would not have you flatter the Son with praises of your own invention;
it is well with you if you be satisfied with the written word.
24. Again, we must not repose so
blind a confidence in human intellect as to imagine that we have complete
knowledge of the objects of our thought, or that the ultimate problem is
solved as soon as we have formed a symmetrical and consistent theory.
Finite minds cannot conceive the Infinite; a being dependent for its existence
upon another cannot attain to perfect knowledge either of its Creator or
of itself, for its consciousness of self is colored by its circumstances,
and bounds are set which its perception cannot pass. Its activity
is not self-caused, but due to the Creator, and a being dependent on a
Creator has perfect possession of none of its faculties, since its origin
lies outside itself. Hence by an inexorable law it is folly for that
being to say that it has perfect knowledge of any matter; its powers have
limits which it cannot modify, and only while it is under the delusion
that its petty bounds are coterminous with infinity can it make the empty
boast of possessing wisdom. For of wisdom it is incapable, its knowledge
being limited to the range of its perception, and sharing the impotence
of its dependent existence.
And therefore this masquerade of a finite
nature boasting that it possesses the wisdom which springs only from infinite
knowledge earns the scorn and ridicule of the Apostle, who calls its wisdom
folly. He says,
"For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel, not
in the language of wisdom, lest the cross of Christ should be made void.
For the word of the cross is foolishness to them that are perishing, but
unto them that are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written,
I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the understanding of the prudent
I will reject. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where
is the enquirer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom
of this world? For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world through
its wisdom knew not God, God decreed through the foolishness of preaching
to save them that believe. For the Jews ask for signs and the Greeks
seek after wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, unto Jews indeed a stumbling-block
and to Gentiles foolishness, but unto them that are called, both Jews and
Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Because the
weakness of God is stronger than men, and the foolishness of God is wiser
than men." [1 Corinthians 1:17-25].
Thus all unbelief is foolishness, for it takes
such wisdom as its own finite perception can attain, and, measuring infinity
by that petty scale, concludes that what it cannot understand must be impossible.
Unbelief is the result of incapacity engaged in argument. Men are
sure that an event never happened, because they have made up their minds
that it could not happen.
25. Hence the Apostle, familiar with
the narrow assumption of human thought that what it does not know is not
truth, says that he does not speak in the language of knowledge, lest his
preaching should be in vain. To save himself from being regarded
as a preacher of foolishness he adds that the word of the cross is foolishness
to them that perish. He knew that the unbelievers held that the only
true knowledge was that which formed their own wisdom, and that, since
their wisdom was cognizant only of matters which lay within their narrow
horizon, the other wisdom, which alone is Divine and perfect, seemed foolishness
to them. Thus their foolishness actually consisted, in that feeble
imagination which they mistook for wisdom.
Hence it is that the very things which
to them that perish are foolishness are the power of God to them that are
saved; for these last never use their own inadequate faculties as a measure,
but attribute to the Divine activities the omnipotence of heaven.
God rejects the wisdom of the wise and the understanding of the prudent
in this sense, that just because they recognize their own foolishness,
salvation is granted to them that believe. Unbelievers pronounce
the verdict of foolishness on everything that lies beyond their ken, while
believers leave to the power and majesty of God the choice of the mysteries
wherein salvation is bestowed. There is no foolishness in the things
of God; the foolishness lies in that human wisdom which demands of God,
as the condition of belief, signs and wisdom.
It is the foolishness of the Jews to demand signs; they have a certain knowledge of the Name of God through
long acquaintance with the Law, but the offense of the cross repels them. The foolishness of the Greeks
is to demand wisdom; with Gentile folly and the philosophy of men they seek the reason why God was lifted up on
the cross. And because, in consideration for the weakness of our mental powers, these things have been hidden
in a mystery, this foolishness of Jews and Greeks turns to unbelief; for they denounce, as unworthy of reasonable
credence, truths which their mind is inherently incapable of comprehending. But, because the world's wisdom
was so foolish,-- for previously through God's wisdom it knew not God, that is, the splendor of the universe, and
the wonderful order which He planned for His handiwork, taught it no reverence for its Creator -- God was pleased
through the preaching of foolishness to save them that believe, that is, through the faith of the cross to make
everlasting life the lot of mortals; that so the self-confidence of human wisdom might be put to shame, and salvation
found where men had thought that foolishness dwelt. For Christ, Who is foolishness to Gentiles, and offense
to Jews, is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God; because what seems weak and foolish to human apprehension in
the things of God transcends in true wisdom and might the thoughts and the powers of earth.
26. And therefore the action of God must not be canvassed by human
faculties; the Creator must not be judged by those who are the work of
His hands. We must clothe ourselves in foolishness that we may gain
wisdom; not in the foolishness of hazardous conclusions, but in the foolishness
of a modest sense of our own infirmity, that so the evidence of God's power
may teach us truths to which the arguments of earthly philosophy cannot
attain. For when we are fully conscious of our own foolishness, and
have felt the helplessness and destitution of our reason, then through
the counsels of Divine Wisdom we shall be initiated into the wisdom of
God; setting no bounds to boundless majesty and power, nor tying the Lord
of nature down to nature's laws; sure that for us the one true faith concerning
God is that of which He is at once the Author and the Witness.
Book IV
1. The earlier books of this treatise,
written some time ago, contain, I think, an invincible proof that we hold
and profess the faith in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which is taught
by the Evangelists and Apostles, and that no commerce is possible between
us and the heretics, inasmuch as they deny unconditionally, irrationally,
and recklessly, the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet certain
points remained which I have felt myself bound to include in this and the
following books, in order to make our assurance of the faith even more
certain by exposure of every one of their falsehoods and blasphemies.
Accordingly, we will enquire first: what are the dangers of their teaching,
the risks involved by such irreverence; next, what principles they hold,
and what arguments they advance against the apostolic faith to which we
adhere, and by what sleight of language they impose upon the candor of
their hearers; and lastly, by what method of comment they disarm the words
of Scripture of their force and meaning.
2. We are well aware that neither
the speech of men nor the analogy of human nature can give us a full insight
into the things of God. The ineffable cannot submit to the bounds
and limits of definition; that which is spiritual is distinct from every
class or instance of bodily things. Yet, since our subject is that
of heavenly natures, we must employ ordinary natures and ordinary speech
as our means of expressing what our mind apprehends; a means no doubt unworthy
of the majesty of God, but forced upon us by feebleness of our intellect,
which can use only our own circumstances and our own words to convey to
others our perceptions and our conclusions. This truth has been enforced
already in the first book, but is now repeated in order that, in any analogies
from human affairs which we adduce, we may not be supposed to think of
God as resembling embodied natures, or to compare spiritual Beings with
our passible selves, but rather be regarded as advancing the outward appearance
of visible things as a clue to the inward meaning of things invisible.
3. For the heretics say that Christ
is not from God, that is, that the Son is not born from the Father, and
is God not by nature but by appointment; in other words, that He has received
an adoption which consists in the giving of a name, being God's Son in
the sense in which many are sons of God; again, that Christ's majesty is
an evidence of God's widespread bounty, He being God in the sense in which
there are gods many; although they admit that in His adoption and naming
as God a more liberal affection than in other cases was shown, His adoption
being the first in order of time, and He greater than other adopted sons,
and first in rank among the creatures because of the greater splendor which
accompanied His creation. Some add, by way of confessing the omnipotence
of God, that He was created into God's likeness, and that it was out of
nothing that He, like other creatures, was raised up to be the Image of
the eternal Creator, bidden at a word to spring from non-existence into
being by the power of God, Who can frame out of nothing the likeness of
4. Moreover, they use their knowledge
of the historical fact that bishops of a former time have taught that Father
and Son are of one substance, to subvert the truth by the ingenious plea
that this is a heretical notion. They say that this term 'of one
substance,' in the Greek homoousion, is used to mean and express
that the Father is the same as the Son; that is, that He extended Himself
out of infinity into the Virgin, and took a body from her, and gave to
Himself, in the body which He had taken, the name of Son. This is
their first lie concerning the homoousion. Their next lie
is that this word homoousion implies that Father and Son participate
in something antecedent to Either and distinct from Both, and that a certain
imaginary substance, or ousia, anterior to all matter whatsoever,
has existed heretofore and been divided and wholly distributed between
the Two; which proves, they say, that Each of the Two is of a nature pre-existent
to Himself, and Each identical in matter with the Other.
And so they profess to condemn the confession
of the homoousion on the ground that term does not discriminate
between Father and Son, and makes the Father subsequent in time to that
matter which He has in common with the Son. And they have devised
this third objection to the word homoousion, that its meaning, as
they explain it, is that the Son derives His origin from a partition of
the Father's substance, as though one object had been cut in two and He
were the severed portion. The meaning of 'one substance,' they say,
is that the part cut off from the whole continues to share the nature of
that from which it has been severed; but God, being impassible, cannot
be divided, for, if He must submit to be lessened by division, He is subject
to change, and will be rendered imperfect if His perfect substance leave
Him to reside in the severed portion.
5. They think also that they have
a compendious refutation of Prophets, Evangelists and Apostles alike, in
their assertion that the Son was born within time. They pronounce
us illogical for saying that the Son has existed from everlasting; and,
since they reject the possibility of His eternity, they are forced to believe
that He was born at a point in time. For if He has not always existed,
there was a time when He was not; and if there be a time when He was not,
time was anterior to Him. He who has not existed everlastingly began
to exist within time, while He Who is free from the limits of time is necessarily
eternal. The reason they give for their rejection of the eternity
of the Son is that His everlasting existence contradicts the faith in His
birth; as though by confessing that He has existed eternally, we made His
birth impossible.
6. What foolish and godless fears!
What impious anxiety on God's behalf! The meaning which they profess to
detect in the word homoousion, and in the assertion of the eternity of the Son, is detested, rejected,
denounced by the Church. She confesses one God from Whom are all
things; she confesses one Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom are all things;
One from Whom, One through Whom; One the Source of all, One the Agent through
Whom all were created. In the One from Whom are all things she recognizes
the Majesty which has no beginning, and in the One through Whom are all
things she recognizes a might coequal with His Source; for Both are jointly
supreme in the work of creation and in rule over created things.
In the Spirit she recognizes God as Spirit, impassible and indivisible,
for she has learnt from the Lord that Spirit has neither flesh nor bones;
a warning to save her from supposing that God, being Spirit, could be burdened
with bodily suffering and loss. She recognizes one God, unborn from
everlasting; she recognizes also one Only-begotten Son of God. She
confesses the Father eternal and without beginning; she confesses also
that the Son's beginning is from eternity. Not that He has no beginning,
but that He is Son of the Father Who has none; not that He is self-originated,
but that He is from Him Who is unbegotten from everlasting; born from eternity,
receiving, that is, His birth from the eternity of the Father.
Thus our faith is free from the guesswork
of heretical perversity; it is expressed in fixed and published terms,
though as yet no reasoned defense of our confession has been put forth.
Still, lest any suspicion should linger around the sense in which the Fathers
have used the word homoousion and around our confession of the eternity
of the Son, I have set down the proofs whereby we may be assured that the
Son abides ever in that substance wherein He was begotten from the Father,
and that the birth of His Son has not diminished aught of that Substance
wherein the Father was abiding; that holy men, inspired by the teaching
of God, when they said that the Son is homoousios with the Father
pointed to no such flaws or defects as I have mentioned. My purpose
has been to counteract the impression that this ousia, this assertion
that He is homoousios with the Father, is a negation of the nativity
of the Only-begotten Son.
7. To assure ourselves of the needfulness
of these two phrases, adopted and employed as the best of safeguards against
the heretical rabble of that day, I think it best to reply to the obstinate
misbelief of our present heretics, and refute their vain and pestilent
teaching by the witness of the evangelists and apostles. They flatter
themselves that they can furnish a proof for each of their propositions;
they have, in fact, appended to each some passages or other from holy Writ;
passages so grossly misinterpreted as to ensnare none but the illiterate
by the semblance of truth with which perverted ingenuity has masked their
8. For they attempt, by praising the Godhead of the Father only, to deprive the
Son of His Divinity, pleading that it is written, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is
One" [Deuteronomy 6:4], and that the Lord repeats this in His answer
to the doctor of the Law who asked Him what was the greatest commandment in the Law;-- "Hear, O Israel,
the Lord thy God is One." [Mark 12:29]. Again, they say that Paul
proclaims, "For there is One God, and One Mediator between God and men." [1 Timothy 2:5].
And furthermore, they insist that God alone is wise, in order to leave no wisdom for the Son, relying upon the words of the Apostle,
"Now to Him that is able to stablish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according
to the revelation of the mystery which hath been kept in silence through age-long times, but now is manifested through the
scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the eternal God Who is made known unto all nations unto obedience
of faith; to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory far ever and ever." [Romans 16:25-27].
They argue also that He alone is true, for Isaiah says, "They shall bless Thee,
the true God," [Isaiah 65:16], and the Lord Himself has borne witness in the Gospel, saying, And this is
life eternal that they should know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ
Whom Thou hast sent. Again they reason that He alone is good, to leave no goodness for
the Son, because it has been said through Him, "There is none good save One, even God" [Mark 10:18];
and that He alone has power, because Paul has said, "Which in His own times He
shall show to us, Who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords." [1
Timothy 6:15]. And further, they profess themselves certain that in the Father there is no change nor turning, because
He has said through the prophet, "I am the Lord your God, and I am not
changed" [Malachi 3:6], and the apostle James, "With Whom there is
no change" [James 1:17]; certain also that He is the righteous Judge, for it is written, God is the righteous Judge,
strong and patient; that He cares for all, because the Lord has said, speaking of the birds, "And
your heavenly Father feedeth them" [Matthew 6:26], and, "Are not two sparrows sold for a
farthing? And not one of them falleth upon the ground without the will of your Father; but the very hairs of
your head are numbered." [Matthew 10:29-30].
They say that the Father has prescience
of all things, as the blessed Susanna says, O eternal God, that knowest
secrets, and knowest all things before they be; that He is incomprehensible, as it is written,
"The heaven is My throne, and the earth is the footstool of My feet.
What house will ye build Me, or what is the place of My rest? For
these things hath My hand made, and all these things are mine" [Isaiah 66:1-2]; that
He contains all things, as Paul bears witness, "For in Him we live and move and have our being" [Acts
17:28], and the psalmist, "Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit, and whither shall I fly from Thy face?
I f I climb up into heaven, Thou art there; if I go down to hell, Thou
art present. If I take my wings before the light and dwell in the
uttermost parts of the sea, even thither Thy hand shall lead me and Thy
right hand shall hold me" [Psalm 139:7-10]; that He is without body, for it is
written, "For God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and
in truth" [John 4:24]; that He is immortal and invisible, as Paul says, "Who only
hath immortality, and dwelleth in light unapproachable, whom no
man hath seen nor can see" [1 Timothy 6:16], and the Evangelist, "No one hath
seen God at any time, except the Only-begotten Son, which is
in the bosom of the Father" [John 1:18]; that He alone abides eternally unborn,
for it is written, "I Am That I Am" [Exodus 3:14], and Thus shall thou
say to the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you, and through Jeremiah, O Lord, Who art Lord.
9. Who can fail to observe that these
statements are full of fraud and fallacy? Cleverly as issues have
been confused and texts combined, malice and folly is the character indelibly
imprinted upon this laborious effort of cunning and clumsiness. For
instance, among their points of faith they have included this, that they
confess the Father only to be unborn; as though any one on our side could
suppose that He, Who begot Him through Whom are all things, derived His
being from any external source. The very fact that He bears the name
of Father reveals Him as the cause of His Son's existence.
That name of Father gives no hint that He who bears it is Himself
descended from another, while it tells us plainly from Whom it is that
the Son is begotten.
Let us therefore leave to the Father His
own special and incommunicable property, confessing that in Him reside
the eternal powers of an omnipotence without beginning. None, I am
sure, can doubt that the reason why, in their confession of God the Father,
certain attributes are dwelt upon as peculiarly and inalienably His own,
is that He may be left in isolated possession of them. For when they
say that He alone is true, alone is righteous, alone is wise, alone is
invisible, alone is good, alone is mighty, alone is immortal, they are
raising up this word alone as a barrier to cut off the Son from
His share in these attributes. He Who is alone, they say, has no
partner in His properties. But if we suppose that these attributes
reside in the Father only, and not in the Son also, then we must believe
that God the Son has neither truth nor wisdom; that He is a bodily being
compact of visible and material elements, ill-disposed and feeble and void
of immortality; for we exclude Him from all these attributes of which we
make the Father the solitary Possessor.
10. We, however, who propose to discourse
of that most perfect majesty and fullest Divinity which appertains to the
Only-begotten Son of God, have no fear lest our readers should imagine
that amplitude of phrase in speaking of the Son is a detraction from the
glory of God the Father, as though every praise assigned to the Son had
first been withdrawn from Him. For, on the contrary, the majesty
of the Son is glory to the Father; the Source must be glorious from which
He Who is worthy of such glory comes. The Son has nothing but by
virtue of His birth; the Father shares all veneration received by that
birthright. Thus the suggestion that we diminish the Father's honor
is put to silence, for all the glory which, as we shall teach, is inherent
in the Son will be reflected back, to the increased glory of Him who has
begotten a Son so great.
11. Now that we have exposed their plan of belittling the Son under cover of
magnifying the Father, the next step is to listen to the exact terms in which they express
their own belief concerning the Son. For, since we have to answer in succession each
of their allegations and to display on the evidence of Holy Scripture the impiety of their
doctrines, we must append, to what they say of the Father, the decisions which they have put
on record concerning the Son, that by a comparison of their confession of the Father with their
confession of the Son we may follow a uniform order in our solution of the questions as they arise.
They state as their verdict that the Son is not derived from any pre-existent matter, for through
Him all things were created, nor yet begotten from God, for nothing can be withdrawn from God; but
that He was made out of what was non-existent, that is, that He is a perfect creature of God, though
different from His other creatures. They argue that He is a creature, because it is written, "The
Lord hath created Me for a beginning of His ways" [Proverbs 8:22]; that He is the
perfect handiwork of God, though different from His other works, they prove, as to the first point, by what Paul writes
to the Hebrews, "Being made so much better than the angels, as He possesseth a more excellent
name than they," [Hebrews 1:4], and again, "Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers
of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Jesus Christ, who
is faithful to Him that made Him." [Hebrews 3:1]. For their depreciation of the
might and majesty and Godhead of the Son they rely chiefly on His own words, The Father is greater than I.
But they admit that He is not one of the common herd of creatures on the evidence of "All
things were made through Him" [John 1:3]. And so they sum up the whole of their
blasphemous teaching in these words which follow: --
12. "We confess One God, alone unmade,
alone eternal, alone unoriginate, alone true, alone possessing immortality,
alone good, alone mighty, Creator, Ordainer and Disposer of all things,
unchangeable and unalterable, righteous and good, of the Law and the Prophets
and the New Testament. We believe that this God gave birth to the
Only-begotten Son before all worlds, through Whom He made the world and
all things; that He gave birth to Him not in semblance, but in truth, following
His own Will, so that He is unchangeable and unalterable, God's perfect
creature but not as one of His other creatures, His handiwork, but not
as His Other works; not, as Valentinus maintained, that the Son is a development
of the Father; nor, as Manichaeus has declared of the Son, a consubstantial
part of the Father; nor, as Sabellius, who makes two out of one, Son and
Father at once; nor, as Hieracas, a light from a light, or a lamp with
two flames; nor as if He was previously in being and afterwards born or
created afresh to be a Son, a notion often condemned by thyself, blessed
Pope, publicly in the Church and in the assembly of the brethren.
But, as we have affirmed, we believe that He was created by the will of
God before times and worlds, and has His life and existence from the Father,
Who gave Him to share His own glorious perfections. For, when the
Father gave to Him the inheritance of all things, He did not thereby deprive
Himself of attributes which are His without origination, He being the source
of all things.
13. "So there are three Persons,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. God, for His part, is the cause of all
things, utterly unoriginate and separate from all; while the Son, put forth
by the Father outside time, and created and established before the worlds,
did not exist before He was born, but, being born outside time before the
worlds, came into being as the Only Son of the Only Father. For He
is neither eternal, nor co-eternal, nor co-uncreate with the Father, nor
has He an existence collateral with the Father, as some say, who postulate
two unborn principles. But God is before all things, as being indivisible
and the beginning of all. Wherefore He is before the Son also, as
indeed we have learnt from thee in thy public preaching. Inasmuch
then as He hath His being from God, and His glorious perfections, and His
life, and is entrusted with all things, for this reason God is His source,
and hath rule over Him, as being His God, since He is before Him.
As to such phrases as from Him, and from the womb, and I
went out from the Father and am come, if they be understood to denote
that the Father extends a part and, as it were, a development of that one
substance, then the Father will be of a compound nature and divisible and
changeable and corporeal, according to them; and thus, as far as their
words go, the incorporeal God will be subjected to the properties of matter."
14. Such is their error, such their
pestilent teaching; to support it they borrow the words of Scripture, perverting
its meaning and using the ignorance of men as their opportunity of gaining
credence for their lies. Yet it is certainly by these same words
of God that we must come to understand the things of God. For human
feebleness cannot by any strength of its own attain to the knowledge of
heavenly things; the faculties which deal with bodily matters can form
no notion of the unseen world. Neither our created bodily substance,
nor the reason given by God for the purposes of ordinary life, is capable
of ascertaining and pronouncing upon the nature and work of God.
Our wits cannot rise to the level of heavenly knowledge, our powers of
perception lack the strength to apprehend that limitless might.
We must believe God's word concerning Himself, and humbly accept such insight
as He vouchsafes to give. We must make our choice between rejecting
His witness, as the heathen do, or else believing in Him as He is, and
this in the only possible way, by thinking of Him in the aspect in which
He presents Himself to us. Therefore let private judgment cease;
let human reason refrain from passing barriers divinely set. In this
spirit we eschew all blasphemous and reckless assertion concerning God,
and cleave to the very letter of revelation. Each point in our enquiry
shall be considered in the light of His instruction, Who is our theme;
there shall be no stringing together of isolated phrases whose context
is suppressed, to trick and misinform the unpracticed listener. The
meaning of words shall be ascertained by considering the circumstances
under which they were spoken; words must be explained by circumstances,
not circumstances forced into conformity will words. We, at any rate,
will treat our subject completely; we will state both the circumstances
under which words were spoken, and the true purport of the words.
Each point shall be considered in orderly sequence.
15. Their starting-point is this; We confess, they say, One only God, because
Moses says, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is One" [Deuteronomy 6:4]. But
is this a truth which anyone has ever dared to doubt? Or was any believer ever known to confess otherwise than that there
is One God from Whom are all things, One Majesty which has no birth, and that He is that unoriginated Power? Yet this fact
of the Unity of God offers no chance for denying the Divinity of His Son. For Moses, or rather God through Moses, laid it
down as His first commandment to that people, devoted both in Egypt and in the desert to idols and the worship of imaginary gods,
that they must believe in One God. There was truth and reason in the commandment, for God, from Whom are all things, is One.
But let us see whether this Moses have
not confessed that He, through Whom are all things, is also God.
God is not robbed, He is still God, if His Son share the Godhead.
For the case is that of God from God, of One from One, of God Who is One
because God is from Him. And conversely the Son is not less God because
God the Father is One, for He is the Only-begotten Son of God; not eternally
unborn, so as to deprive the Father of His Oneness, nor yet different from
God, for He is born from Him. We must not doubt that He is God by
virtue of that birth from God which proves to us who believe that God is
One; yet let us see whether Moses, who announced to Israel, The Lord
thy God is One, has also proclaimed the Godhead of the Son. To
make good our confession of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ we must
employ the evidence of that same witness on whom the heretics rely for
the confession of One Only God, which they imagine to involve the denial
of the Godhead of the Son.
16. Since, therefore, the words of the Apostle, "One God the Father, from
Whom are all things, and one Jesus Christ, our Lord, through Whom are all things" [1
Corinthians 8:6], form an accurate and complete confession concerning God, let us see what Moses has to say of
the beginning of the world. His words are, "And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst
of the water, and let it divide the water from the water. And it was so, and God made
the firmament and God divided the water through the midst." [Genesis 1:6-7]. Here,
then, you have the God from Whom, and the God through Whom. If you deny it, you must tell us through whom it was that God's
work in creation was done, or else point for your explanation to an obedience in things yet uncreated, which, when God said Let
there be a firmament, impelled the firmament to establish itself. Such suggestions are inconsistent
with the clear sense of Scripture.
For all things, as the Prophet says, were
made out of nothing; it was no transformation of existing things, but the
creation into a perfect form of the non-existent. Through whom?
Hear the Evangelist: All things were made through Him. If you ask Who this is, the same
Evangelist will tell you: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were
made through Him." [John 1:1-3]. If you are minded to combat the view
that it was the Father Who said, Let there be a firmament, the prophet will answer you: "He spake,
and they were made; He commanded, and they were created." [Psalm 33:9]. The
recorded words, Let there be a firmament, reveal to us that the Father spoke. But in the words which follow,
And it was so, in the statement that God did this thing, we must
recognize the Person of the Agent. He spake, and they, were made;
the Scripture does not say that He willed it, and did it. He commanded,
and they were created; you observe that it does not say they came into
existence, because it was His pleasure.
In that case there would be no office for
a Mediator between God and the world which was awaiting its creation.
God, from Whom are all things, gives the order for creation which God,
through Whom are all things, executes. Under one and the same Name we confess
Him Who gave and Him Who fulfilled the command. If you dare to deny
that God made is spoken of the Son, how do you explain All things
were made through Him? Or the Apostle's words, One Jesus Christ,
our Lord, through, Whom are all things? Or, He spake, and
they were made? If these inspired words succeed in convincing
your stubborn mind, you will cease to regard that text, Hear, O Israel,
the Lord thy God is One, as a refusal of Divinity to the Son of God,
since at the very foundation of the world He Who spoke it proclaimed that
His Son also is God. But let us see what increase of profit we may
draw from this distinction of God Who commands and God Who executes.
For though it is repugnant even to our natural reason to suppose that in
the words, He commanded, and they were made, one single and isolated
Person is intended, yet, for the avoidance of all doubts, we must expound
the events which followed upon the creation of the world.
17. When the world was complete and its inhabitant was to be created,
the words spoken concerning him were, "Let Us make man after Our image and
likeness" [Genesis 1:26]. I ask you, Do you suppose that God spoke
those words to Himself? Is it not obvious that He was addressing not Himself, but Another? If you reply
that He was alone, then out of His own mouth He confutes you, for He says, Let Us make man after Our image and likeness.
God has spoken to us through the Lawgiver in the way which is intelligible
to us; that is, He makes us acquainted with His action by means of language,
the faculty with which He has been pleased to endow us. There is,
indeed, an indication of the Son of God, through Whom all things were made,
in the words, And God said, Let there be a firmament, and in, And
God made the firmament, which follows; but lest we should think these words of God were wasted and meaningless,
supposing that He issued to Himself the command of creation, and Himself obeyed it, -- for what notion could be further
from the thought of a solitary God than that of giving a verbal order to Himself, when nothing was necessary except an
exertion of His will? -- He determined to give us a more perfect assurance that these words refer to Another beside Himself.
When He said, Let Us make man after
Our image and likeness, His indication of a Partner demolishes the
theory of His isolation. For an isolated being cannot be partner
to himself; and again, the words, Let Us make, are inconsistent
with solitude, while Our cannot be used except to a companion. Both
words, Us and Our are inconsistent with the notion of a solitary
God speaking to Himself, and equally inconsistent with that of the address
being made to a stranger who has nothing in common with the Speaker.
If you interpret the passage to mean that He is isolated, I ask you whether
you suppose that He was speaking with Himself? If you do not understand
that He was speaking with Himself, how can you assume that He was isolated?
If He were isolated, we should find Him described as isolated; if He had
a companion, then as not isolated. I and Mine would
describe the former state; the latter is indicated by Us and Our.
18. Thus, when we read, Let Us
make man after Our image and likeness, these two words Us and
Our reveal that there is neither one isolated God, nor yet one God in two dissimilar Persons; and our
confession must be framed in harmony with the second as well as with the first truth. For the words Our
image -- not Our images -- prove that there is one nature possessed by Both.
But an argument from words is an insufficient proof; unless its result
be confirmed by the evidence of facts; and accordingly it is written,
And God made man; after the image of God made He him. If the words
He spoke, I ask, were the soliloquy of an isolated God, what meaning shall
we assign to this last statement? For in it I see a triple allusion,
to the Maker, to the being made, and to the image. The being made
is man; God made him, and made him in the image of God. If Genesis
were speaking of an isolated God, it would certainly have been
And made him after His own image. But since the book was foreshowing the
Mystery of the Gospel, it spoke not of two Gods, but of God and God, for
it speaks of man made through God in the image of God. Thus we find
that God wrought man after an image and likeness common to Himself and
to God; that the mention of an Agent forbids us to assume that He was isolated;
and that the work, done after an image and likeness which was that of Both,
proves that there is no difference in kind between the Godhead of the One
and of the Other.
19. It may seem waste of time to bring forward further arguments, for
truths concerning God gain no strength by repetition; a single statement suffices to
establish them. Yet it is well for us to know all that has been revealed upon
the subject, for though we are not responsible for the words of Scripture, yet we shall
have to render an account for the sense we have assigned to them. One of the many
commandments which God gave to Noah is, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood for his blood
shall his life be shed, for after the image of God made I man." [Genesis 9:6].
Here again is the distinction between likeness, creature, and Creator. God bears witless that He made man after the
image of God. When He was about to make man, because He was speaking of Himself, yet not to Himself, God said, After our image;
and again, after man was made, God made man after the image of God.
It would have been no inaccuracy of language, had He said, addressing Himself,
I have made man after My image, for He had shown that the Persons are one in nature by,
"Let us make man after Our image" [Genesis 1:26]. But for the more
perfect removal of all doubt as to whether God be, or be not, a solitary Being, when He made man He made him, we are told, After
the image of God.
20. If you still wish to assert that
God the Father in solitude said these words to Himself, I can go with you
as far as to admit the possibility that He might in solitude have spoken
to Himself as if He were conversing with a companion, and that it is credible
that He wished the words I have made man after the image of God
to be equivalent to I have made man after My own image. But
your own confession of faith will refute you. For you have confessed
that all things are from the Father, but all through the Son; and the words,
Let Us make man, show that the Source from Whom are all things is He Who spoke thus, while God made him after the image of God clearly points
to Him through Whom the work was done.
21. And furthermore, to make all self-deception unlawful, that Wisdom, which you have yourself confessed
to be Christ, shall confront you with the words, "When He was establishing the fountains under the heaven, when He
was making strong the foundations of the earth, I was with Him, setting
them in order. It was I, over Whom He rejoiced. Moreover, I
was daily rejoicing in His sight, all the while that He was rejoicing in
the world that He had made, and in the sons of men." [Proverbs 8:29-31]. Every
difficulty is removed; error itself must recognize the truth. There is with God Wisdom, begotten before the worlds; and
not only present with Him, but setting in order, for She was with
Him, setting them in order. Mark this work
of setting in order, or arranging. The Father, by His commands, is
the Cause; the Son, by His execution of the things commanded, sets in order.
The distinction between the Persons is
marked by the work assigned to Each. When it says Let us make,
creation is identified with the word of command; but when it is written,
I was with Him, setting them in order, God reveals that He did not
do the work in isolation. For He was rejoicing before Him, Who, He
tells us, rejoiced in return; Moreover, I was daily rejoicing in His
sight, all the while that He was rejoicing in the world that He had made,
and in the sons of men. Wisdom has taught us the reason of Her
joy. She rejoiced because of the joy of the Father, Who rejoices
over the completion of the world and over the sons of men. For it
is written, And God saw that they were good. She rejoices
that God is well pleased with His work, which has been made through Her,
at His command. She avows that Her joy results from the Father's
gladness over the finished world and over the sons of men; over the sons
of men, because in the one man Adam the whole human race had begun its
course. Thus in the creation of the world there is no mere soliloquy
of an isolated Father; His Wisdom is His partner in the work, and rejoices
with Him when their conjoint labor ends.
22. I am aware that the full explanation
of these words involves the discussion of many and weighty problems.
I do not shirk them, but postpone them for the present, reserving their
consideration for later stages of the enquiry. For the present I
devote myself to that article of the blasphemers' faith, or rather faithlessness,
which asserts that Moses proclaims the solitude of God. We do not
forget that the assertion is true in the sense that there is One God, from
Whom are all things; but neither do we forget that this truth is no excuse
for denying the Godhead of the Son, since Moses throughout the course of
his writings clearly indicates the existence of God and God. We must
examine how the history of God's choice, and of the giving of the Law,
proclaims God co-ordinate with God.
23. After God had often spoken with
Abraham, Sarah was moved to wrath against Hagar, being jealous that she,
the mistress, was barren, while her handmaid had conceived a son.
Then, when Hagar had departed from her sight, the Spirit speaks thus concerning
"And the angel of the Lord said unto Hagar, Return to thy mistress,
and submit thyself under her hands. And the angel of the Lord said
unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, and it shall not be numbered
for multitude, and again, And she called the Name of the Lord that spake
with her. Thou art God, Who hast seen me." [Genesis 16:10-13].
It is the Angel of God Who speaks, and speaks
of things far beyond the powers which a messenger, for that is the meaning
of the word, could have. He says, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly,
and it shall not be numbered for multitude. The power of multiplying
nations lies outside the ministry of an angel. Yet what says the
Scripture of Him Who is called the Angel of God, yet speaks words which
belong to God alone? And she called the Name of the Lord that
spake with her, Thou art God, Who hast seen me. First He is the
Angel of God; then He is the Lord, for She called the Name of the Lord;
then, thirdly, He is God, for Thou art God, Who hast seen me. He Who is called
the Angel of God is also Lord and God. The Son of God is also, according to the prophet,
the "Angel of great counsel" [Isaiah 9:6, LXX]. To discriminate clearly
between the Persons, He is called the Angel of God; He Who is God from God is also the Angel of God. but, that He may have
the honor which is His due, He is entitled also Lord and God.
24. In this passage the one Deity
is first the Angel of God, and then, successively, Lord and God.
But to Abraham He is God only. For when the distinction of Persons
had first been made, as a safeguard against the delusion that God is a
solitary Being, then His true and unqualified name could safely be uttered.
And so it is written.
"And God said to Abraham, Behold Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a
son, and thou shalt call his name Isaac; and I will establish My covenant
with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.
And as for Ishmael, behold. I have heard thee and have blessed him, and
will multiply him exceedingly; twelve nations shall he beget, and I will
make him a great nation." [Genesis 17:19-20].
Is it possible to doubt that He Who was previously
called the Angel of God is here, in the sequel, spoken of as God?
In both instances He is speaking of Ishmael; in both it is the same Person
Who shall multiply him. To save us from supposing that this was a
different Speaker from Him who had addressed Hagar, the Divine words expressly
attest the identity, saying, And I have blessed him, and will multiply
him. The blessing is repeated from a former occasion, for Hagar
had already been addressed; the multiplication is promised for a future
day, for this is God's first word to Abraham concerning Ishmael.
Now it is God Who speaks to Abraham; to
Hagar the Angel of God had spoken. Thus God and the Angel of God
are One; He Who is the Angel of God is also God the Son of God. He
is called the Angel because He is the Angel of great counsel; but afterwards He
is spoken of as God, lest we should suppose that He Who is
God is only an angel. Let us now repeat the facts in order.
The Angel of the Lord spoke to Hagar; He spoke also to Abraham as God.
One Speaker addressed both. The blessing was given to Ishmael, and the
promise that he should grow into a great people.
25. In another instance the Scripture reveals through Abraham that it was God
Who spoke. He receives the further promise of a son, Isaac. Afterwards there appear to
him three men. Abraham, though he sees three, worships One, and acknowledges Him as Lord.
Three were standing before him, Scripture says, but he knew well Which it was that he must worship
and confess. There was nothing in outward appearance to distinguish them, but by the eye of faith,
the vision of the soul, he knew his Lord. Then the Scripture goes on, "And He said unto him,
I will certainly return unto thee at this time hereafter, and Sarah thy wife shall have a son" [Genesis
18:10]; and afterwards the Lord said to Him, "I will not conceal from Abraham My servant
the things that I will do" [Genesis 18:17]; and again, "Moreover the Lord said, The cry
of Sodom and Gomorrah is filled up, and their sins are exceeding great." [Genesis 18:20].
Then after long discourse, which for the sake of brevity shall be omitted, Abraham, distressed
at the destruction which awaited the innocent as well as the guilty, said, "In no wise wilt Thou,
Who judgest the earth, execute this judgment.
And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city,
then I will spare all the place for their sakes." [Genesis 18:25-26]. Afterwards,
when the warning to Lot, Abraham's brother, was ended, the Scripture says, "And the Lord rained
upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven" [Genesis 19:24];
and, after a while, "And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and did unto Sarah as He had
spoken, and Sarah conceived and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the
set time of which God had spoken to him." [Genesis 21:1-2]. And
afterwards, when the handmaid with her son had been driven from Abraham's house, and was dreading test her child should
die in the wilderness for want of water, the same Scripture says, "And the Lord God heard
the voice of the lad, where he was, and the Angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her,
What is it, Hagar? Fear not, for God hath heard the voice of the lad from the place where he is.
Arise, and take the lad and hold his hand, for I will make him a great nation." [Genesis
21:17-18]. 26. What blind faithlessness it is, what dullness of an unbelieving
heart, what headstrong impiety, to abide in ignorance of all this, or else
to know and yet neglect it! Assuredly it is written for the very
purpose that error or oblivion may not hinder the recognition of the truth.
If, as we shall prove, it is impossible to escape knowledge of the facts,
then it must be nothing less than blasphemy to deny them. This record
begins with the speech of the Angel to Hagar, His promise to multiply Ishmael
into a great nation and to give him a countless offspring. She listens,
and by her confession reveals that He is Lord and God. The story
begins with His appearance as the Angel of God; at its termination He stands
confessed as God Himself. Thus He Who, while He executes the ministry of
declaring the great counsel is God's Angel, is Himself in name and nature God.
The name corresponds to the nature; the
nature is not falsified to make it conform to the name. Again, God
speaks to Abraham of this same matter; he is told that Ishmael has already
received a blessing, and shall be increased into a nation; I have blessed
him, God says. This is no change from the Person indicated before;
He shows that it was He Who had already given the blessing. The Scripture
has obviously been consistent throughout in its progress from mystery to
clear revelation; it began with the Angel of God, and proceeds to reveal
that it was God Himself Who had spoken in this same matter.
27. The course of the Divine narrative is accompanied by a progressive
development of doctrine. In the passage which we have discussed God speaks to
Abraham and promises that Sarah shall bear a son. Afterwards three men
stand by him; he worships One and acknowledges Him as Lord. After this
worship and acknowledgment by Abraham, the One promises that He will return
hereafter at the same season, and that then Sarah shall have her son.
This One again is seen by Abraham in the guise of a man, and salutes him with
the same promise. The change is one of name only; Abraham's acknowledgment
in each case is the same. It was a Man whom he saw, yet Abraham worshipped
Him as Lord; he beheld, no doubt, in a mystery the coming Incarnation. Faith
so strong has not missed its recognition; the Lord says in the Gospel, "Your
father Abraham rejoiced to see My day; and he saw it, and was glad." [John 8:56].
To continue the history; the Man Whom he saw promised that He would return
at the same season. Mark the fulfillment of the promise, remembering
meanwhile that it was a Man Who made it. What says the Scripture?
And the Lord visited Sarah. So this
Man is the Lord, fulfilling His own promise. What follows next?
And God did unto Sarah as He had said. The narrative calls
His words those of a Man, relates that Sarah was visited by the Lord, proclaims
that the result was the work of God. You are sure that it was a Man
who spoke, for Abraham not only heard, but saw Him. Can you be less
certain that He was God, when the same Scripture, which had called Him
Man, confesses Him God? For its words are, And Sarah conceived,
and bare Abraham a son in his old age, and at the set time of which God
had spoken to him. But it was the Man who had promised that He
would come. Believe that He was nothing more than man; unless, in
fact, He Who came was God and Lord.
Connect the incidents. It was, confessedly, the Man who promised that He would
come that Sarah might conceive and bear a son. And now accept instruction, and confess
the faith; it was the Lord God Who came that she might conceive and bear. The Man made
the promise in the power of God; by the same power God fulfilled the promise. Thus God
reveals Himself both in word and deed. Next, two of the three men whom Abraham saw depart;
He Who remains behind is Lord and God. And not only Lord and God, but also Judge, for Abraham
stood before the Lord and said, "In no wise shall Thou do this thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked,
for then the righteous shall be as the wicked. In no wise wilt Thou
Who judgest the whole earth, execute this judgment." [Genesis 18:25]. Thus
by all his words Abraham instructs us in that faith, for which he was justified; he recognizes the Lord from among the
three, he worships Him only, and confesses that He is Lord and Judge.
28. Lest you fall into the error of supposing that this acknowledgment of the One
was a payment of honor to all the three whom Abraham saw in company, mark the words of Lot when
he saw the two who had departed: "And when Lot saw them, he rose up to meet them, and he bowed himself with
his face toward the ground; and he said, Behold, my lords, turn in to your
servant's house." [Genesis 19:1-2]. Here the plural lords shows that
this was nothing more than a vision of angels; in the other case the faithful patriarch pays the
honor due to One only. Thus the sacred narrative makes it clear that two of the three were
mere angels; it had previously proclaimed the One as Lord and God by the words, "And the
Lord said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I then bear a child? But
I am grown old. Is anything from God impossible? At this season I will return to thee hereafter,
and Sarah shall have a son." [Genesis 18:13-14]. The Scripture is accurate
and consistent; we detect no such confusion as the plural used of the One God and Lord, no Divine honors paid to the
two angels. Lot, no doubt, calls them lords, while the Scripture calls them angels. The one is human reverence, the other literal truth.
29. And now there fails on Sodom and Gomorrah the vengeance of a righteous judgment. What can we learn
from it for the purposes of our enquiry? The Lord rained brimstone
and fire from the Lord. It is The Lord from the Lord; Scripture makes no distinction, by difference of
name, between Their natures, but discriminates between Themselves. For we read in the Gospel, "The Father
judgeth no man, but hath given all judgment to the Son." [John 5:22]. Thus
what the Lord gave, the Lord had received from the Lord.
30. You have now had evidence of God the Judge as Lord and Lord; learn next that there is the same joint
ownership of name in the case of God and God. Jacob, when he fled through fear of his brother, saw in his dream a
ladder resting upon the earth and reaching to heaven, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon it, and the Lord
resting above it, Who gave him all the blessings which He had bestowed upon Abraham and Isaac. At a later time God
spoke to him thus: "And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to the place Bethel, and dwell there,
and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest
from the face of thy brother." [Genesis 35:1].
God demands honor for God, and makes it
clear that demand is on behalf of Another than Himself. He who
appeared to thee when thou fleddest are His words: He guards carefully
against any confusion of the Persons. It is God Who speaks, and God
of Whom He speaks. Their majesty is asserted by the combination of
Both under Their true Name of God, while the words plainly declare Their
several existence.
31. Here again there occur to me
considerations which must be taken into account in a complete treatment
of the subject. But the order of defense must adapt itself to the
order of attack, and I reserve these outstanding questions for discussion
in the next book. For the present, in regard to God Who demanded
honor for God, it will suffice for me to point out that He Who was the
Angel of God, when He spoke with Hagar, was God and Lord when He spoke
of the same matter with Abraham; that the Man Who spoke with Abraham was
also God and Lord, while the two angels, who were seen with the Lord and
whom He sent to Lot, are described by the prophet as angels, and nothing
more. Nor was it to Abraham only that God appeared in human guise;
He appeared as Man to Jacob also. And not only did He appear, but,
so we are told, He wrestled; and not only did He wrestle, but He was vanquished
by His adversary. Neither the time at my disposal, nor the subject,
will allow me to discuss the typical meaning of this wrestling. It
was certainly God Who wrestled, for Jacob prevailed against God, and Israel
saw God.
32. And now let us enquire whether elsewhere than in the case of Hagar the Angel of God has been discovered
to be God Himself. He has been so discovered, and found to be not only God, but the God of Abraham and of Isaac and
of Jacob. For the Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses from the bush; and Whose voice, think you, are we to suppose
was heard? The voice of Him Who was seen, or of Another? There is no room for deception; the words of Scripture
are clear: "And the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire from a bush" [Exodus
3:2], and again, "The Lord called unto him from the bush, Moses, Moses, and he answered, What is it? And the
Lord said, Draw not nigh hither, put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
And He said unto him, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob" [Exodus
3:4-6]. He who appeared in the bush speaks from the bush; the place of the vision and of the voice is one; He Who
speaks is none other than He Who was seen. He Who is the Angel of God when the eye beholds Him is the Lord when the ear
hears Him, and the Lord Whose voice is heard is recognized as the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob. When He
is styled the Angel of God, the fact is revealed that He is no self-contained and solitary Being: for He is the Angel of God.
When He is designated Lord and God, He receives the full title which is due to His nature and His name. You have, then, in
the Angel Who appeared from the bush, Him Who is Lord and God. 33. Continue your study of the witness borne by Moses; mark
how diligently he seizes every opportunity of proclaiming the Lord and God. You take note of the passage, "Hear, O Israel,
the Lord thy God is One" [Deuteronomy 6:4]. Note also the words of that Divine song of
his; "See, See, that I am the Lord, and there is no God beside Me." [Deuteronomy 32:39].
While God has been the Speaker throughout the poem, he ends with, "Rejoice, ye heavens, together with Him and let all the sons of God praise
Him. Rejoice, O ye nations, with His people, and let all the Angels
of God do Him honor." [Deuteronomy 32:43 LXX]. God is to be glorified by the Angels of
God, and He says, For I am the Lord, and there is no God beside Me.
For He is God the Only-begotten, and the title 'Only-begotten' excludes
all partnership in that character, just as the title 'Unoriginate' denies
that there is, in that regard, any who shares the character of the Unoriginate
Father. The Son is One from One. There is none unoriginate except
God the Unoriginate, and so likewise there is none only-begotten except
God the Only-begotten. They stand Each single and alone, being respectively
the One Unoriginate and the One Only-begotten.
And so They Two are One God, for between the One, and the One Who is His
offspring there lies no gulf of difference of nature in the eternal Godhead.
Therefore He must be worshipped by the sons of God and glorified by the
angels of God. Honor and reverence is demanded for God from the sons
and from the angels of God. Notice Who it is that shall receive this
honor, and by whom it is to be paid. It is God, and they are the
sons and angels of God. And lest you should imagine that honor is
not demanded for God Who shares our nature, but that Moses is thinking
here of reverence due to God the Father,-- though, indeed, it is in the
Son that the Father must be honored -- examine the words of the blessing
bestowed by God upon Joseph, at the end of the same book. They are, "And let the things that are well-pleasing to Him that appeared in the bush
came upon the head and crown of Joseph." [Deuteronomy 33:16].
Thus God is to be worshipped by the sons
of God; but God Who is Himself the Son of God. And God is to be reverenced
by the angels of God; but God Who is Himself the Angel of God. For
God appeared from the bush as the Angel of God, and the prayer for Joseph
is that he may receive such blessings as He shall please, He is none the
less God because He is the Angel of God; and none the less the Angel of
God because He is God. A clear indication is given of the Divine
Persons; the line is definitely drawn between the Unbegotten and the Begotten.
A revelation of the mysteries of heaven is granted, and we are taught not
to dream of God as dwelling in solitude, when angels and sons of God shall
worship Him, Who is God's Angel and Its Son.
34. Let this be taken as our answer
from the books of Moses, or rather as the answer of Moses himself.
The heretics imagine that they can use his assertion of the Unity of God
in disproof of the Divinity of God the Son; a blasphemy in defiance of
the clear warning of their own witness, for whenever he confesses that
God is One he never fails to teach the Son's Divinity. Our next step
must be to adduce the manifold utterance of the prophets concerning the
same Son.
35. You know the words, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is One" [Deuteronomy
6:4]; would that you knew them aright! As you interpret them, I seek in vain for their sense. It is said in
the Psalms, "God, Thy God, hath anointed Thee" [Psalm 45:7]. Impress upon the reader's
mind the distinction between the Anointer and the Anointed; discriminate between the Thee and
the Thy: make it clear to Whom and of Whom the words are spoken. For this definite confession is the conclusion of the
preceding passage, which runs thus; "Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; the sceptre of Thy kingdom is
a right sceptre. Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity." [Psalm 45:6-7]. And
then he continues, Therefore God, Thy God, hath anointed Thee.
Thus the God of the eternal kingdom, in
reward for His love of righteousness and hatred of iniquity, is anointed
by His God. Surely some broad difference is drawn, some gap too wide
for our mental span, between these names? No; the distinction of
Persons is indicated by Thee and Thy, but nothing suggests
a difference of nature. Thy points to the Author, Thee
to Him Who is the Author's offspring. For He is God from God, as
these same words of the prophet declare, God, Thy God, hath anointed
Thee. And His own words bear wireless that there is no God anterior to God the Unoriginate; "Be ye My witnesses,
and I am witness, saith the Lord God, and My Servant Whom I have chosen, that ye may know and believe and understand that I
am, and before Me there is no other God, nor shall be after Me." [Isaiah 43:10].
Thus the majesty of Him that has no beginning is declared, and the glory of Him that is from the Unoriginate is safeguarded; for God,
Thy God, hath anointed Thee. That word Thy declares His birth, yet does not contradict His nature;
Thy God means that the Son was born from Him to share the Godhead.
But the fact that the Father is God is no obstacle to the Son's being God
also, for God, Thy God, hath anointed Thee. Mention is made
both of Father and of Son; the one title of God conveys the assurance that
in character and majesty They are One.
36. But lest these words, For
I am, and before Me there is no other God, nor shall be after Me, be made a handle for blasphemous presumption, as
proving that the Son is not God, since after the God, Whom no God precedes, there follows no other God, the purpose of the
passage must be considered. God is His own best interpreter, but His chosen Servant joins with Him to assure us that
there is no God before Him, nor shall be after Him. His own witness concerning Himself is, indeed, sufficient, but He
has added the witness of the Servant Whom He has chosen. Thus we have the united testimony of the Two, that there is
no God before Him; we accept the truth, because all things are from Him. We have Their witness also that there shall
be no God after Him; but They do not deny that God has been born from Him in the past. Already there was the Servant
speaking thus, and bearing witness to the Father; the Servant born in that tribe from which God's elect was to spring.
He sets forth also the same truth in the Gospels: "Behold, My Servant Whom I have chosen, My Beloved in Whom My soul
is well pleased." [Matthew 12:18]. This is the sense, then, in which God says, There
is no other God before Me, nor shall be after Me. He reveals the infinity of His eternal and unchanging majesty by this assertion
that there is no God before or after Himself. But He gives His Servant
a share both in the bearing of witness and in the possession of the Name
of God.
37. The fact is obvious from His own words. For He says to Hosea the prophet, "I will no more have
mercy upon the house of Israel, but will altogether be their enemy. But I will have mercy upon the children Judah, and
will save them in the Lord their God." [Hosea 1:6-7]. Here God the Father gives
the name of God, without any ambiguity, to the Son, in Whom also He chose us before countless ages. Their God,
He says, for while the Father, being Unoriginate, is independent of all, He has given us for an inheritance to His Son.
In like manner we read, "Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the Gentiles for Thine inheritance." [Psalm
2:8]. None can be God to Him from Whom are all things, for He is eternal and has no beginning; but the Son has God, from Whom
He was born, for His Father. Yet to us the Father is God and the Son is God; the Father reveals to us that the Son is our God, and
the Son teaches that the Father is God over us. The point for us to remember is that in this passage the Father gives to the Son
the name of God, the title of His own unoriginate majesty. But I have commented sufficiently on these words of Hosea.
38. Again, how clear is the declaration made by God the Father through Isaiah concerning our Lord! He says,
"For thus saith the Lord, the holy God of Israel, Who made the things to come, Ask me concerning your sons
and your daughters, and concerning the works of My hands command ye Me. I have made the earth and man upon it, I have commanded
all the stars, I have raised up a King with righteousness, and all His ways are straight. He shall build My city, and shall turn
back the captivity of My people, not for price nor reward, saith the Lord of Sabaoth. Egypt shall labor, and the merchandise of the
Ethiopians and Sabeans. Men of stature shall come over unto Thee and shall be Thy servants, and shall follow after Thee, bound
in chains, and shall worship Thee and make supplication unto Thee, for God is in Thee and there is no God beside Thee. For Thou
art God, and we knew it not, O God of Israel, the Savior. All that resist Him shall be ashamed and confounded, and shall walk
in confusion." [Isaiah 45:11-16]
Is any opening left for gainsaying, or excuse
for ignorance? If blasphemy continue, is it not in brazen defiance
that it survives? God from Whom are all things, Who made all by His
command, asserts that He is the Author of the universe, for, unless He
had spoken, nothing had been created. He asserts that He has raised
up a righteous King, who builds for Himself, that is, for God, a city,
and turns back the captivity of His people, for no gift nor reward, for
freely are we all saved. Next, He tells how after the labors of Egypt,
and after the traffic of Ethiopians and Sabeans, men of stature shall come
over to Him.
How shall we understand these labors in Egypt, this traffic of Ethiopians and Sabeans? Let us call to mind how
the Magi of the East worshipped and paid tribute to the Lord; let us estimate the weariness of that long pilgrimage to Bethlehem
of Judah. In the toilsome journey of the Magian princes we see the labors of Egypt to which the prophet alludes. For
when the Magi executed, in their spurious, material way, the duty ordained for them by the power of God, the whole heathen world
was offering in their person the deepest reverence of which its worship was capable. And these same Magi presented gifts
of gold and frankincense and myrrh from the merchandise of the Ethiopians and Sabeans; a thing foretold by another prophet, who
has said, "The Ethiopians shall fall down before His face, and is enemies shall lick
the dust. The Kings of Tharsis shall offer presents, the Kings of the Arabians
and Sabeans shall bring gifts, and there shall be given to Him of the gold
of Arabia." [Psalm 72:9-10]. The Magi and their offerings stand for the labor
of Egypt and for the merchandise of Ethiopians and Sabeans; the adoring Magi represent the heathen world, and offer the choicest
gifts of the Gentiles to the Lord Whom they adore.
39. As for the men of stature who
shall come over to Him and follow Him in chains, there is no doubt who
they are. Turn to the Gospels; Peter, when he is to follow his Lord,
is girded up. Read the Apostles: Paul, the servant of Christ, boasts
of his bonds. Let us see whether this 'prisoner of Jesus Christ'
conforms in his teaching to the prophecies uttered by God concerning God
His Son. God has said, They shall make supplication, for God is
in Thee. Now mark and digest these words of the Apostle:-- "God was in Christ, reconciling the world
to Himself." [2 Corinthians 5:19]. And then the prophecy continues, And there
is no God beside Thee. The Apostle promptly matches this with, "For there is one Jesus Christ our Lord, through
Whom are all things." [1 Corinthians 8:6]. Obviously there can be none other but He,
for He is One. The third prophetic statement is, Thou art God and we knew it not. But Paul, once the persecutor
of the Church, says, "Whose are the fathers, from Whom is Christ, Who is God over all" [Romans
9:5]. Such is to be the message of these men in chains; men of stature, indeed, they will be, and shall sit on twelve
thrones to judge the tribes of Israel, and shall follow their Lord, witnesses to Him in teaching and in martyrdom.
40. Thus God is in God, and it is
God in Whom God dwells. But how is There is no God beside Thee
true, if God be within Him? Heretic! In support of your confession
of a solitary Father you employ the words, There is no God beside Me;
what sense can you assign to the solemn declaration of God the Father,
There is no God beside Thee, if your explanation of There is no God beside
Me be a denial of the Godhead of the Son? To whom, in that case,
can God have said, There is no God beside Thee? You cannot
suggest that this solitary Being said it to Himself. It was to the
King Whom He summoned that the Lord said, by the mouth of the men of stature
who worshipped and made supplication, For God is in Thee.
The facts are inconsistent with solitude. In Thee implies
that there was One present within range, if I may say so, of the Speaker's
voice. The complete sentence, God is in Thee, reveals not
only God present, but also God abiding in Him Who is present. The words distinguish the Indweller from Him in Whom He dwells, but it is a
distinction of Person only, not of character. God is in Him, and
He, in Whom God is, is God. The residence of God cannot be within
a nature strange and alien to His own. He abides in One Who is His
own, born from Himself. God is in God, because God is from God.
For Thou art God, and we knew it not, O God of Israel, the Savior.
41. My next book is devoted to the
refutation of your denial that God is in God; for the prophet continues,
All that resist Him shall be ashamed and confounded and shall walk in confusion.
This is God's sentence, passed upon your unbelief. You set yourself
in opposition to Christ, and it is on His account that the Father's voice
is raised in solemn reproof; for He, Whose Godhead you deny, is God.
And you deny it under cloak of reverence for God, because He says, There
is no other God beside Me.
Submit to shame and confusion; the Unoriginate
God has no need of the dignity you offer; He has never asked for this majesty
of isolation which you attribute to Him. He repudiates your officious
interpretation which would twist His words, There is no other God beside
Me, into a denial of the Godhead of the Son Whom He begot from Himself. To frustrate your purpose of demolishing
the Divinity of the Son by assigning the Godhead in some special sense to Himself, He rounds off the glories of the Only-begotten
by the attribution of absolute Divinity:-- And there is no God beside Thee.
Why make distinctions between exact equivalents?
Why separate what is perfectly matched? It is the peculiar characteristic
of the Son of God that there is no God beside Him; the peculiar characteristic
of God the Father that there is no God apart from Him. Use His words
concerning Himself; confess Him in His own terms, and entreat Him as King;
For God is in Thee, and there is no God beside Thee. For Thou art God,
and we knew it not, O God of Israel, the Savior. A confession
couched in words so reverent is free from the taint of presumption: its
terms can excite no repugnance. Above all, we must remember that
to refuse it means shame and ignominy. Brood in thought over these
words of God; employ them in your confession of Him, and so escape the
threatened shame. For if you deny the Divinity of the Son of God,
you will not be augmenting the glory of God by adoring Him in lonely majesty;
you will be slighting the Father by refusing to reverence the Son.
In faith and veneration confess of the Unoriginate God that there is no
God beside Him; claim for God the Only-begotten that apart from Him there
is no God.
42. As you have listened already to Moses and Isaiah, so listen now
to Jeremiah inculcating the same truth as they:-- This is our God, and there shall be none other likened unto
Him, Who hath found out all the way of knowledge, and hath given it unto Jacob His servant and to Israel His beloved.
Afterward did He show Himself upon earth and dwelt among men. For previously he had
said, And He is Man, and Who shall know Him? Thus you have
God seen on earth and dwelling among men. Now I ask you what sense
you would assign to No one hath seen God at any time, save the Only-begotten
Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, when Jeremiah proclaims God
seen on earth and dwelling among men? The Father confessedly cannot
be seen except by the Son; Who then is This who was seen and dwelt among
men? He must be our God, for He is God visible in human form, Whom
men can handle. And take to heart the prophet's words, There shall
be none other likened to Him. If you ask how this can be, listen
to the remainder of the sentence, lest you be tempted to deny to the Father
His share of the confession. Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God
is One. The whole passage is, There shall be none likened
unto Him, Who hath found out all the way of knowledge, and hath given it
unto Jacob His servant and to Israel His beloved. Afterward did He
show Himself upon earth and dwelt among men.
For there is one Mediator between God and
Men, Who is both God and Man; Mediator both in giving of the Law and in
taking of our body. Therefore none other can be likened unto Him,
for He is One, born from God into God, and the it was through Whom all
things were created in heaven and earth, through Whom times and worlds
were made. Everything, in fine, that exists owes its existence to
His action. He it is that instructs Abraham, that speaks with Moses,
that testifies to Israel, that abides in the prophets, that was born through
the Virgin from the Holy Ghost, that nails to the cross of His passion
the powers that are our foes, that slays death in hell, that strengthens
the assurance of our hope by His Resurrection, that destroys the corruption
of human flesh by the glory of His Body. Therefore none shall be
likened unto Him. For these are the peculiar powers of God the Only-begotten;
He alone was born from God, the blissful Possessor of such great prerogatives.
No second god can be likened unto Him, for He is God from God, not born
from any alien being. There is nothing new or strange or modern created
in Him. When Israel hears that its God is one, and that no second
god is likened, that men may deem him God, to God Who is God's Son, the
revelation means that God the Father and God the Son are One altogether,
not by confusion of Person but by unity of substance. For the prophet
forbids us, because God the Son is God, to liken Him to some second deity.