On Agriculture
Cato the Elder
Introduction: of the dignity of the farmer
The pursuits of commerce would be as admirable as they are profitable if they
were not subject to so great risks: and
so, likewise, of banking, if it was always
honestly conducted. For our ancestors
considered, and so ordained in their laws, that, while
the thief should be cast in double damages, the
usurer should make four-fold restitution. From this
we may judge how much less desirable a citizen they
esteemed the banker than the thief. When they
sought to commend an honest man, they termed him
good husbandman, good farmer. This they rated
the superlative of praise. Personally, I think highly
of a man actively and diligently engaged in commerce, who seeks thereby to make his fortune, yet,
as I have said, his career is full of risks and pitfalls.
But it is from the tillers of the soil that spring the
best citizens, the stanchest soldiers; and theirs are the
enduring rewards which are most grateful and least
envied. Such as devote themselves to that pursuit
are least of all men given to evil counsels.
And now, to get to my subject, these observations
will serve as preface to what I have promised to discuss.
Of buying a farm
When you have decided to purchase a farm,
be careful not to buy rashly; do not spare your visits
and be not content with a single tour of inspection. The more you go, the more will the place please you,
if it be worth your attention. Give heed to the appearance of the
neighborhood, — a flourishing country should show its prosperity. "When you go in,
look about, so that, when needs be, you can find your
way out."
Take care that you choose a good climate, not subject to
destructive storms, and a soil that is naturally
strong. If possible, your farm should be at the foot
of a mountain, looking to the South, in a healthy
situation, where labor and cattle can be had, well
watered, near a good sized town, and either on the
sea or a navigable river, or else on a good and much
frequented road. Choose a place which has not often
changed ownership, one which is sold unwillingly,
that has buildings in good repair.
Beware that you do not rashly contemn the experience of others. It is better to buy from a man
who has farmed successfully and built well.
When you inspect the farm, look to see how many wine presses and
storage vats there are; where there are none of these you can judge what
the harvest is. On the other hand, it is not the number of farming
implements, but what is done with them, that counts. Where you find few
tools, it is not an expensive farm to operate. Know that with a farm, as
with a man, however productive it may be, if it has the spending habit,
not much will be left over.
Of the duties of the owner
When you have arrived at your country house
and have saluted your household, you should make
the rounds of the farm the same day, if possible; if
not, then certainly the next day. When you have
observed how the field work has progressed, what
things have been done, and what remains undone,
you should summon your overseer the next day, and
should call for a report of what work has been done
in good season and why it has not been possible to
complete the rest, and what wine and com and other
crops have been gathered. When you are advised on
these points you should make your own calculation
of the time necessary for the work, if there does not
appear to you to have been enough accomplished.
The overseer will report that he himself has worked diligently, but
that some slaves have been sick and others truant, the weather has been
bad, and that it has been necessary to work the public roads. When he
has given these and many other excuses, you should recall to his
attention the program of work which you had laid out for him on your
last visit and compare it with the results attained. If the weather has
been bad, count how many stormy days there have been, and rehearse what
work could have been done despite the rain, such as washing and
pitching the wine vats, cleaning out the barns, sorting the grain, hauling out and composting the manure,
cleaning seed, mending the old gear, and making
new, mending the smocks and hoods furnished for
the hands.
On feast days the old ditches should be
mended, the public roads worked, briers cut down,
the garden dug, the meadow cleaned, the hedges
trimmed and the clippings collected and burned, the
fish pond cleaned out. On such days, furthermore,
the slaves' rations should be cut down as compared
with what is allowed when they are working in the
fields in fine weather.
When this routine has been discussed quietly and
with good humor and is thoroughly understood by
the overseer, you should give orders for the completion of the work which has been neglected.
The accounts of money, supplies and provisions
should then be considered. The overseer should report what wine and oil
has been sold, what price he got, what is on hand, and what remains for
sale. Security should be taken for such accounts as ought to be secured.
All other unsettled matters should be agreed upon. If any thing is
needed for the coming year, it should be bought; every thing which is
not needed should be sold. Whatever there is for lease should be leased. Orders should be given (and
take care that they are in writing) for all work which
next it is desired to have done on the farm or let to
contract. You should go over the cattle and determine what is to be sold. You should sell the oil, if
you can get your price, the surplus wine and corn,
the old cattle, the worn out oxen, and the cull sheep,
the wool and the hides, the old and sick slaves, and
if any thing else is superfluous you should sell that.
The appetite of the good farmer is to sell, not to
Be a good neighbor. Do not roughly give
offense to your own people. If the neighborhood
regards you kindly, you will find a readier market for
what you have to sell, you will more easily get your
work done, either on the place or by contract. If
you build, your neighbors will aid you with their
services, their cattle and their materials. If any misfortune should overtake you (which God forbid!)
they will protect you with kindly interest.
Of laying out the farm
If you ask me what is the best disposition to
make of your estate, I would say that should you
have bought a farm of one hundred jugera [about 66
acres] all told, in the best situation, it should be
planted as follows: 1.) a vineyard, if it promises a
good yield, 2.) an irrigated garden, 3.) an osier bed, 4.)
an olive yard, 5.) a meadow, 6.) a corn field, 7.) a wood
lot, 8.) a cultivated orchard, and 9.) a mast grove.
In his youth, the farmer ought diligently to plant his land,
but he should ponder before he builds. Planting does not require
reflection, but demands action. It is time enough to build when you
have reached your thirty-sixth year, if you have
farmed your land well meanwhile. When you do
build, let your buildings be proportioned to your
estate, and your estate to your buildings. It is fitting that the farm
buildings should be well constructed, that you should have ample oil
cellars and wine vats, and a good supply of casks, so that you can wait
for high prices, something which will redound to your honor, your profit and your self-respect.
Build your dwelling house in accordance with
your means. If you build well in a good situation
and on a good property, and furnish the house suitably for country life, you will come there more often
and more willingly. The farm will then be better,
fewer mistakes will be made, and you will get larger
crops. The face of the master is good for the land.
Plant elm trees along the roads and fence
rows, both that you may have the leaves to feed the
sheep and cattle, and the timber will be available if
you need it. If any where there are banks of streams
or wet places, there plant reeds; and surround them
with willows that the osiers may serve to tie the vines.
It is most convenient to set out the land
nearest the house as an orchard, whence fire wood
and faggots may be sold and the supply of the master
obtained. In this enclosure should be planted every
thing fitting to the land and vines should be married
to the trees.
Near the house lay out also a garden with
garland flowers and vegetables of all kinds, and
set it about with myrtle hedges, both white and
black, as well as Delphic and Cyprian laurel.
Of stocking the farm
An olive farm of two hundred and forty
jugera [160 acres] ought to be stocked as follows: an
overseer, a house keeper, five laborers, three ox
drivers, one swineherd, one ass driver, one shepherd;
in all thirteen hands: three pair of oxen, three asses
with pack saddles, to haul out the manure, one other
ass to turn the mill, and one hundred sheep.
Of the duties of the overseer
These are the duties of the overseer: He should
maintain discipline. He should observe the feast
days. He should respect the rights of others and
steadfastly uphold his own. He should settle all
quarrels among the hands; if any one is at fault he
should administer the punishment. He should take
care that no one on the place is in want, or lacks food
or drink; in this respect he can afford to be generous,
for he will thus more easily prevent picking and stealing.
Unless the overseer is of evil mind, he will himself
do no wrong, but if he permits wrong-doing by others,
the master should not suffer such indulgence to pass
with impunity. He should show appreciation of
courtesy, to encourage others to practice it. He
should not be given to gadding or conviviality, but
should be always sober. He should keep the hands
busy, and should see that they do what the master
has ordered. He should not think that he knows
more than his master. The friends of the master
should be his friends, and he should give heed to those
whom the master has recommended to him. He
should confine his religious practices to the cross
roads altar on festival days, or to his own house.
He should lend money to no man unbidden by the
master, but what the master has lent he should collect. He should never lend any seed reserved for
sowing, feed, corn, wine, or oil, but he should have
relations with two or three other farms with which
he can exchange things needed in emergency. He should state his accounts with his master frequently.
He should not keep any hired men or day hands
longer than is necessary. He should not sell any
thing without the knowledge of the master, nor
should he conceal any thing from the master. He
should not have any hangers-on, nor should he consult any soothsayer, fortune teller, necromancer, or
astrologer. He should not spare seed in sowing, for
that is bad economy. He should strive to be expert
in all kinds of farm work, and, without exhausting
himself, often lend a hand. By so doing, he will
better understand the point of view of his hands,
and they will work more contentedly; moreover, he
will have less inclination to gad, his health will be
better, and he will sleep more refreshingly.
First up in the morning, he should be the last to
go to bed at night; and before he does, he should see
that the farm gates are closed, and that each of the
hands is in his own bed, that the stock have been
fed. He should see that the best of care is taken of
the oxen, and should pay the highest compliments
to the teamsters who keep their cattle in the best
condition. He should see to it that the plows and
plow shares are kept in good repair. Plan all the
work in ample time, for so it is with farm work, if
one thing is done late, every thing will be late.
When it rains try to find some thing to do indoors. Clean up,
rather than remain idle. Remember that while work may stop, expenses still
go on.
Of the duties of the housekeeper
The overseer should be responsible for
the duties of the housekeeper. If the master has
given her to you for a wife, you should be satisfied
with her, and she should respect you. Require that
she be not given to wasteful habits; that she does not
gossip with the neighbors and other women. She
should not receive visitors either in the kitchen or
in her own quarters. She should not go out to parties,
nor should she gad about. She should not practice
religious observances, nor should she ask others to
do so for her without the permission of the master
or the mistress. Remember that the master practices
religion for the entire household. She should be neat
in appearance and should keep the house swept and
garnished. Every night before she goes to bed she
should see that the hearth is swept and clean.
On the Kalends, the Ides, the Nones, and on all feast
days, she should hang a garland over the hearth.
On those days also she should pray fervently to the
household gods. She should take care that she has
food cooked for you and for the hands. She should have plenty of
chickens and an abundance of eggs. She should diligently put up all kinds of preserves
every year.
Of the hands
The following are the customary allowances
for food: For the hands, four pecks of meal for the
winter, and four and one-half for the summer. For
the overseer, the housekeeper, the wagoner, the
shepherd, three pecks each. For the slaves, four
pounds of bread for the winter, but when they begin
to cultivate the vines this is increased to five pounds
until the figs are ripe, then return to four pounds.
The sum of the wine allowed for each hand
per annum is eight quadrantals, or Amphora, but add in the proportion as
they do work. Ten quadrantals per annum is not too much to allow them to
Save the wind fall olives as much as possible as relishes for the hands. Later set aside such
of the ripe olives as will make the least oil. Be
careful to make them go as far as possible. When
the olives are all eaten, give them fish pickles and
vinegar. One peck of salt per annum is enough for
each hand.
Allow each hand a smock and a cloak every
other year. As often as you give out a smock or
cloak to any one take up the old one, so that caps
can be made out of it. A pair of heavy wooden shoes
should be allowed every other year.
Of draining
If the land is wet, it should be drained
with trough shaped ditches dug three feet wide at
the surface and one foot at the bottom and four feet
deep. Blind these ditches with rock. If you have no rock then fill them
with green willow poles braced crosswise. If you have no poles, fill
then with faggots. Then dig lateral trenches three feet deep and
four feet wide in such way that the water will flow
from the trenches into the ditches.
In the winter surface water should be
drained off the fields. On hillsides courses should be
kept clear for the water to flow off. During the rainy season at the
beginning of Autumn is the greatest risk from water. When it begins to rain all the
hands should go out with picks and shovels and clear
out the drains so that the water may flow off into
the roads, and the crops be protected.
Of preparing the seed bed
What is the first principle of good agriculture? To plow well. What is the second? To
plow again; and the third is to manure. When you
plow corn land, plough well and in good weather,
lest you turn a cloddy furrow. The other things of
good agriculture are to sow seed plentifully, to thin
the young sprouts, and to hill up the roots with earth.
Never plow rotten land nor drive flocks
or carts across it.
If care is not taken about this, the land so abused
will be barren for three years.
Of manure
Plan to have a big compost heap and take the
best of care of the manure. When it is hauled out see
that it is well rotted and spread. The Autumn is the
time to do this.
You can make manure of litter, lupine
straw, chaff, bean stalks, husks and the leaves of ilex
and of oak.
Fold your sheep on the land which you
are about to seed, and there feed them leaves.
Of soil improvement
The things which are harmful to corn
land are to plow the ground when it is rotten, and to
plant chick peas which are harvested with the straw
and are salt. Barley, fenugreek and pulse all exhaust
corn land, as well as all other things which are harvested with the straw. Do not plant nut trees in the corn land. On the other hand, lupines, field beans
and vetch manure corn land.
Where the soil is rich and fertile, without
shade, there the corn land ought to be. Where the
land lies low, plant rape, millet, and panic grass.
Of forage crops
If you have a water meadow you will not
want forage, but if not then sow an upland meadow,
so that hay may not be lacking.
Save your hay
when the times comes, and beware lest you mow too late. Mow before the
seed is ripe. House the best hay by itself, so that you may feed it to
the draft cattle during the spring plowing, before the clover is mature.
Sow, for feed for the cattle, clover,
vetch, fenugreek, field beans and pulse. Sow these
crops a second and a third time.
Of planting
Wherever the land is cold and wet,
sow there first, and last of all in the warmest places.
Of pastures
Manure the pastures in early spring in the
dark of the moon, when the west wind begins to
blow. When you close your pastures (to the stock)
clean them and root out all weeds.
Of feeding live stock
As long as they are available, feed green
leaves of elm, poplar, oak and fig to your cattle and
Store leaves, also, to be fed to the sheep before
they have withered.
Take the best of care of your dry fodder,
which you house for the winter, and remember always
how long the winter may last.
Be sure you have well constructed stables
furnished with substantial stalls and equipped with
latticed feed racks. The intervals between the bars
of the racks should be one foot. If you build them
in this way, the cattle will not waste their food.
This is the way that provender should be
prepared and fed: When the seeding is finished, gather
mast and soak it in water. Feed a measure of it
every day to each steer; or if they have not been
worked it will be sufficient to let them pasture the
mast beds. Another good feed is a measure of grape
husks which you shall have preserved in jars. By
day turn the cattle out and at night feed twenty-five
pounds of hay to each steer. If hay is short, feed
the leaves of the ilex and ivy.
Stack the straw of
wheat, barley, beans, vetch and lupine, indeed all
the grain straws, but pick out and house the best of it.
Scatter your straw with salt and you can then feed
it in place of hay. When in the spring you begin to
feed (more heavily to prepare for work), feed a measure of mast or of grape husks, or a measure of ground
lupines, and fifteen pounds of hay. When the clover
is ripe, feed that first. Gather it by hand so that it
will bloom a second time, for what you harvest with
the sickle blooms no more. Feed clover until it is
dry, then feed vetch and then panic grass, and after
the panic grass feed elm leaves. If you have poplar,
mix that with the elm so that the elm may last the
longer. If you have no elm feed oak and fig leaves.
Nothing is more profitable than to take good care
of your cattle.
Cattle should not be put out to graze except in
winter when they are not worked; for when they eat
green stuff they expect it all the time, and it is then
necessary to muzzle them while they plow.
Of the care of live stock
The flocks and herds should be well supplied
with litter and their feet kept clean. If litter is short,
haul in oak leaves, they will serve as bedding for
sheep and cattle. Beware of scab among the sheep and
cattle. This comes from hunger and exposure to rain.
To prevent the oxen from wearing down
their hoofs, anoint the bottom of the hoof with liquid
pepper before driving them on the highroad.
Take care that during the summer the
cattle drink only sweet and fresh water. Their
health depends on it.
To prevent scab among sheep, make a
mixture of equal parts of well strained amurca [dregs of olive oil], of
water in which lupine has been steeped, and of lees
of good wine. After shearing, anoint all the flock with
this mixture, and let them sweat profusely for two
or three days. Then dip them in the sea. If you have
no sea water, make salt water and dip then in that.
If you will do this they will suffer no scab, they will
have more and better wool and they will not be
molested by ticks.
If an ox begins to sicken, give him without delay a raw hen's egg and make him swallow it
whole. The next day make him drink from a wooden
bowl a measure of wine in which has been scraped
the head of an onion. Both the ox and his attendant
should do these things fasting and standing upright.
If a serpent shall bite an ox, or any other
quadruped, take a cup of that extract of fennel,
which the physicians call smyrnean, and mix it with
a measure of old wine. Inject this through his nostrils and at the same time poultice the wound with
hogs' dung. You can treat a man the same way.
If a bone is dislocated it can be made
sound by this incantation. Take a green reed four
or five feet long, cut it in the middle and let two men
hold the pieces against your hips. Begin then to
chant as follows:
"ln Alio. S. F. Motas Vaeta,
Danes Dardaries Astataries Dissunapiter"
and continue until the free ends of the reed are
brought slowly together in front of you. Meanwhile,
wave a knife above the reeds, and when they come
together and one touches the other, seize them in
your hand and cut them right and left. These pieces
of reed bound upon a dislocated or fractured bone
will cure it.
But every day repeat the incantation, or in place
of it this one:
"Huat Hanat Huat
lsta Pista Sista
Domiabo Damnaustra."
Of cakes and salad
This is the
recipe for cheese cake [libum]:
Bray well two pounds of cheese in a mortar, and,
when this is done, pour in a pound of corn meal (or,
if you want to be more dainty, a half pound of flour)
and mix it thoroughly with the cheese. Add one egg
and beat it well. Pat into a cake, place it on leaves
and bake slowly on a hot hearth stone under a
This is the
recipe for olive salad [epityrum]: Select some white, black and mottled olives and
stone them. Mix and cut them up. Add a dressing of
oil, vinegar, coriander, cumin, fennel, rue and mint.
Mix well in an earthen ware dish, and serve with oil.
This is the
recipe for must cake [mustaceus]: Sprinkle a peck of wheat flour with must. Add
anise, cumin, two pounds of lard, a pound of cheese
and shredded laurel twigs. When you have kneaded
the dough, put laurel leaves under it and so bake.
Of curing hams
This is the way
to cure hams in jars or tubs: When you have bought your hams trim off
the hocks. Take a half peck [semodius] of ground Roman
salt for each ham. Cover the bottom of the jar or
tub with salt and put in a ham, skin down. Cover
the whole with salt and put another ham on top,
and cover this in the same manner. Be careful that
meat does not touch meat. So proceed, and when
you have packed all the hams, cover the top with
salt so that no meat can be seen, and smooth it out
even. When the hams have been in salt five days,
take them all out with the salt and repack them, putting those which were on top at the bottom. Cover
them in the same way with salt and press them down.
After the twelfth day remove the hams finally,
brush off the salt and hang them for two days in the
wind. On the third day wipe them off clean with a
sponge and rub them with (olive) oil. Then hang
them In smoke for two days, and on the third day
rub them with a mixture of (olive) oil and vinegar.
Then hang them in the meat house, and neither
bats nor worms will touch them.